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Friday, April 20, 2012

Zimmerman Photo Head Injuries

Friday, April 20, 2012

Zimmerman photo clearly shows head injuries: Evidence mounts that he was, indeed, defending himself against Trayvon's attack

"The exclusive photo obtained by ABC News shows blood trickling down the back of Zimmerman's head from two cuts. It also shows a possible contusion forming on the crown of his head. The original police report that night notes that the back of Zimmerman's head was wet, and that he was bleeding from the nose and head.

Zimmerman told police that night that he shot and killed the teenager in self-defense after Martin punched him and pounced on him. Zimmerman told police that Martin then bashed his head into the concrete sidewalk during the altercation that took place in the tidy middle-class development of the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Fla."
Photo Source:
 ABC News 
Read more ABC News - Zimmerman apologizes to Parents 

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  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    The police and footage of zimmerman shows no evidence of bleeding or injury. There was na medical attention requestes. All a lie.

  2. Dealing with a brain injury can be difficult but you do not have to take that route alone. There are a number of support groups online who may be able to offer help.


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