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Monday, April 16, 2012

Giant sinkhole in Sweden Getting Bigger

Bizarro Earth

Incredible Images Show Giant Sinkhole In Sweden Keeps Expanding!

(Translated from Swedish)
It looks like something taken straight from a horror movie. An enormous hole leading to hell, some would say. But this is not a movie. 

This is a real and dangerous phenomenon. New shocking images clearly show the enormous pit in Sweden is expanding. 

The 200 foot wide open pit is called the "Fabiangropen" (Fabian pit) and is in the Malmberget area is located at Gällivare, 75km from Kiruna, Sweden. 

As you can see on the map, it is in the northern regions of Sweden. 

Map hole Sweden

Due to presence of many orebodies, mining at Malmberget is conducted at different levels at 600m, 815m and 1,000m. 

The mining company LKAB has now taken new pictures of the pit. 

In the pictures you see the new Fabian pit which has grown during the night between Tuesday and Wednesday in the former cavity full width. 

The pit is square and 150×150 meters high. 

This is naturally very bad news for people who live close to this giant sinkhole and many are afraid and also annoyed because of the loud noises. 

According to the locals sometimes the tremor around here can last up to 45 minutes! 
April 16, 2012 – SWEDEN
 New images clearly show the enormous pit in Sweden is expanding. The 200 foot wide open pit is called the "Fabiangropen' (Fabian pit) and is in the Malmberget area is located at Gällivare, 75km from Kiruna, Sweden. 

Giant sinkhole in Sweden creating tremors as it expands


Sinkhole Sweden 2 The Fabian pit    a 200 ft wide massive Sinkhole opens up in Sweden!
The Fabian Pit at LKAB Mine, March 21, 2012 - Residential area in background.

Sinkhole Sweden 3 The Fabian pit    a 200 ft wide massive Sinkhole opens up in Sweden!
The problem is by no means over. The giant Sinkhole keeps expanding and the future remains uncertain.

Contributing Sources: in "rants and raves"

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