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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Planet X Found by Astronomers - Part III

Spanish Astronomers Claim Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto

by Gary Vey for viewzone
Of course there is controversy. The Spanish asrtonomers, who call themselves the "Starviewer Team" must still convince the scientific community that G.19 is not a supernova, but rather a brown dwarf star inside our Solar System. This is not an easy task. But we asked them to do just that for this article.
The image [above] shows the evidence that the object has increased in size over the 23 years that it has been observed. On the left, the blue spherical shape was recorded in radio wavelengths in 1985 by the Very Large Array. The image on the right shows the same view taken in 2008. It is obvious that the object is larger, but critics say that this is not because the object is closer, but rather that the residual "shell" from the exploding star has advanced out from its origin. They note the shape is not spherical but consistent with the type of remnants usually seen with supernova.
In this image [above] we see the original 1985 radio emission image from VLA compared to the 2007 x-ray image taken by the Chandra Observatory. Critics again point to the lack of central imaging (i.e. where is the brown dwarf?) and question why orbiting planets would emit irregularly shaped x-rays.
We put these questions to the Starviewer Team.
(pending their response).
The image above was provided by the Starviewer Team. It shows the object G1.9 on the left and a known brown dwarf, Gilese 229A on the right. We are looking at microwave band emissions which indicate the radiated heat from each source. The dark red areas are the hottest. We note that G1.9 has a solid heat emission similar to Gilese 229A. The Starviewer Team seems to suggest that if G1.9 were really a supernova, we might expect that the spherical area would be cool, since the hot gas and ejecta from the exploding star would have been concentrated in the surrounding shell.

The Viewzone

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