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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why 'public relations' ?

This medical doctor and her management of the preparedness infrastructure has been replaced by the Ebola 'czar', Ronald Klein, a public relations worker and lobbyist with no medical background
Why? Why 'public relations' ?
Important to note about Admiral-Doctor Nicole Lurie, this report states, is her position as leading the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) that was created by the 2006 US law called the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) [Public Law No. 109-417] which makes her the United States top official during times of disease outbreaks or other such emergencies. 

United States Public Health Service
Commissioned Corps
USPHS Commissioned Corps insignia.png
Seal of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

Without “logical explanation”, however, this report notes, Obama not only “sidelined” Admiral-Doctor Nicole Lurie from performing her legal duties during this current ebola virus outbreak, along with the nearly 7,000 other Commissioned Officers under her command, including 840 of them at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), but appointed Ronald A. “Ron” Klein to replace her.

Along with losing Admiral-Doctor Nicole Lurie, this report grimly continues, the American people also lose the expertise of her forces tiered system of response to disease outbreaks described as:

Most shockingly to note, this report continues, were the agreements made by Admiral-Doctor Nicole Lurie and the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (Rospotrebnadzor) this past August to deploy both Russian and US RDF forces to the West African nations of Liberia and Guinea to jointly fight the ebola virus outbreak that were scuttled by Obama.

Where in August, this report explains, Guinea welcomed Rospotrebnadzor RDF forces, Liberia rejected them with confidential sources stating “the rejection did not meet the will and pleasure of the Liberian government, as it was constrained to do so because of alleged pressure from Uncle Sam.” [Uncle Sam is pseudo-political appellation used in referring to the United States, world's only Super Power and Liberia's reliable ally.]

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