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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

FBI: Active Terrorist Camps in U.S.



A recently revealed FBI map shows any American’s worst nightmare: there are more than a dozen terrorist training camps in the United States.
In fact, according to the map, there are at least 22 active terrorist camps within the United States.
You would think that this is something that Obama and his administration and the FBI have been working to fight; however, that is not the case.
The “FBI states that their hands are tied in monitoring their activities despite a training video that is years old, possible murders, and proof of illegal activities.”

The reason the FBI has had their “hands tied” is because the Obama administration refuses to define the camps’ parent organizations, Muslims of the Americas and Jamaat ul-Fuqra, as terrorist organizations.
Apparently, Homeland Security has also been made aware of these camps for years now.
President Obama has done little to fight the Islamic State abroad and has taken the same attitude toward terrorism within his own country.
These terrorists are extremely dangerous individuals and should not simply be ignored.
News Articles:

The Underground Jihad against America

35 terror training camps now operating inside U.S.

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