NASA Satellites & Telescopes are all breaking or getting defunded. Epoxi Satellite. DEAD. Goes EVE Infrared. Dead. STEREO-B. DEAD.
Professional Astronomers sound the Alarm over Siding Spring! Sh*t just got Real. (Video may be offensive)
Published on Oct 21, 2014 or @NewThor on Twitter
Professional Astronomers sound the Alarm & warn people that Earth is at risk and science is hurting after it's announced on the day the Comet c/2013 A1 Siding Spring buzzes past Mars and causes a discharge of lens flare* that the southern Siding Spring observatory, the ONLY southern hemisphere observatory will close due to funding cuts at NASA. They failed to find outside donors who would keep the program up and running.
So in the last year, we've lost Epoxi Deep Impact, the GOES Eve Infrared satellite, the STEREO Behind satellite, the CFHT telescope has been off line for almost 2 months and now Siding Spring telescope is going down.
Anyone sensing a pattern here? If not you can just read at the writing on the wall.
Crazy days indeed.
God bless Everyone,
Stay cool.
Professional Astronomers sound the Alarm & warn people that Earth is at risk and science is hurting after it's announced on the day the Comet c/2013 A1 Siding Spring buzzes past Mars and causes a discharge of lens flare* that the southern Siding Spring observatory, the ONLY southern hemisphere observatory will close due to funding cuts at NASA. They failed to find outside donors who would keep the program up and running.
So in the last year, we've lost Epoxi Deep Impact, the GOES Eve Infrared satellite, the STEREO Behind satellite, the CFHT telescope has been off line for almost 2 months and now Siding Spring telescope is going down.
Anyone sensing a pattern here? If not you can just read at the writing on the wall.
Crazy days indeed.
God bless Everyone,
Stay cool.
Earth at risk after cuts close comet-spotting program, scientists warn
Astronomers sound alarm after closure of the Australian early-warning program that spotted the Siding Spring comet
STEREO-A. Hobbled. CFHT Telescope. been Offline for 2 weeks. The Solar & Potentially Hazardous Near Earth Object army & fleet have taken heavy losses in the last year,
Siding Spring observatory under threat from coal seam gas light pollution
Astronomers warn light pollution from planned Santos coal seam gas developments in NSW may force Australia’s top observatory to closeA flare from Santos’s coal seam gas test drilling in Narrabri. Photograph: Supplied Siding Spring, Australia’s premier observatory, could be forced to shut down due to light pollution from a series of planned coal seam gas developments in the area, astronomers have warned.-
4 hrs ·
- Oct 21, 2014 · Siding Spring, Australia’s premier observatory, could be forced to shut down due to light pollution from a series of planned coal seam gas developments ...
- Comet Siding Spring is seen before and after filtering captured by Nasa’s Hubble space telescope. Photograph: NASA/Reuters
spring -to-make... CachedOct 19, 2014 · Comet Siding Spring will pass Mars from 87000 miles after 8 million years The ... Comet Siding Spring set to have rare near miss with Mars The Guardian -
science/2014/10/19/... CachedOct 20, 2014 · Fly-past of comet, thought to be debris from the creation of the solar system 4.5bn years ago, poses risk to Nasa spacecraft Continue reading...
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