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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Comet ISON, R.I.P.

Thanks to Larry Taylor, From the Edge Alerts for this heads up:

Evidence is mounting that comet ISON did not survive its brush with the sun earlier today. At 01:45 EST on Nov. 28th, Thanksgiving Day in the USA, the comet was supposed to pass a little more than a million miles above the surface of the sun. As a new movie from SOHO shows, the comet had already disintegrated. Click to set the scene in motion, and pay careful attention to the head of the comet:

In the movie, Comet ISON is clearly falling apart as it approaches the sun. Researchers working with the Solar Dynamics Observatory report that they are saw nothing along the track that ISON was expected to follow through the sun's atmosphere.

An earlier movie from SOHO shows more of the comet's approach:

The movie spans a day and a half period from Nov. 27th (01:41 UT) to 28th (15:22 UT). We see that Comet ISON brightened dramatically on Nov. 27th before fading on Nov. 28th. That brightening might have been the disintegration event, in which the comet cracked open and spilled its vaporizing contents into space.

There is still a slight chance that some fraction of Comet ISON has survived. (That would make ISON a headless comet--more appropriate for Halloween than Thanksgiving.) Stay tuned for more movies as we watch for debris emerging behind the occulting disk of SOHO coronagraphsSolar flare alerts: textvoice

Contributing source:

From CNN, Weds. Nov. 27 -->

When ISON was first discovered, hopes were high that it might become visible to the naked eye, meaning everyone might be able see it, not just those with good telescopes who took the trouble to find it. There was talk it might even rival some of the Great Comets like Halley's or Hale-Bopp and spread a huge tail across the sky.
Comet's collision course with the sun
But some observers on Tuesday reported online that the comet is not nearly as bright as it has been in recent days and that it may be pouring out dust.
This could mean the comet's core, or nucleus, has "completely disrupted, releasing an enormous volume of dust," NASA's Comet ISON Observing Campaign says in its November 25 online update.
But other observers say images taken by NASA's STEREO spacecraft are "encouraging evidence that the comet still exists," Padma Yanamandra-Fisher with the ISON campaign told reporters on the campaign's Facebook page. She added that it's too early to tell what kind of shape the comet is in, though.

"I believe the next couple of days will be crucial to determine the post-perihelion appearance of the comet," Yanamandra-Fisher said. Perihelion is the point in an object's path that is closes


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