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Friday, April 19, 2013

Driver's Terror at hands of Bomb Suspects 'I was held hostage for 30 minutes'

  • Kidnappers believed to be brothers from the Russian region of Chechnya

  • Driver was accosted while driving his Mercedes SUV in Cambridge

  • He was dumped unharmed at a gas station by the kidnappers

  • Car became target of a dramatic police chase
  • Chase ended with one suspect dead and one police officer badly injured

Terror: A driver had to endure a 30 minute ride of terror with the Boston bombing suspects after he was the victim of a car-jacking - the abandoned car is seen here
Terrifying: The hostage, who has not yet been identified, was eventually thrown out the car by the two suspects after the terrifying experience
Terrifying: The hostage, who has not yet been identified, was eventually thrown out the car by the two suspects after the terrifying experience
Aftermath: A photo of the aftermath of the shoot-out between police officers and the Boston bomber suspects
Aftermath: A photo of the aftermath of the shoot-out between police officers and the Boston bomber suspects
The victim's kidnappers are believed to be brothers from the Russian region of Chechnya - today they were named as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19 and his 26-year-old brother, Tamerlan Tzarnaev.
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'I was held hostage for 30 minutes': Driver's terror at hands of bomb suspects | Mail Online:


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