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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Catholic rebel group begins criticising new pope

Reuters) - A rebel Catholic group at the heart of major controversies that plagued former Pope Benedict has begun criticising his successor Pope Francis for the popular approach he has taken since his election last month.

In a letter to supporters this week, the head of the ultra- traditionalist Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) asked whether the new pontiff's focus on serving people could be only "man-centred philanthropy" rather than true religious leadership.
Pope warns against inaction in serving the poor

Francis, the former Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, has upset many Catholic traditionalists by eschewing Vatican pomp, presenting himself as a humble servant of the poor and showing little interest in returning to centuries-old traditions.

In his letter, Fellay urged Francis "not to allow souls to perish because they no longer learn sound doctrine", by which he meant the ultra-traditionalist views the SSPX advocates.

Vatican City -
Pope Francis has warned that the troubled Catholic Church risks becoming little more than a charity with no spiritual foundations if it fails to undergo renewal.
The 76-year-old Argentinian told the cardinals who elected him as Latin America's first pope that the Church could “end up a compassionate NGO”. (NGO ='Non Government Organization")
“I would like all of us after these days of grace to have the courage to walk in the presence of the Lord,” Francis said in his first mass on Thursday, amid the splendours of the Sistine Chapel.
He warned the cardinals against “the worldliness of the Devil”.

Society of St. Pius X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) is an international traditionalist Catholic organisation, founded in 1970 by the French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. The society's ...

Pope Francis warns Church could become 'compassionate NGO'
Pope Francis has warned the Catholic Church would become "a compassionate NGO" without spiritual renewal. In a Sistine Chapel Mass with cardinals on his ...

Contributing Sources:
Catholic rebel group begins criticising new pope | Reuters:

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