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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Quite a Day


Words From the Father--Stephen Hanson
8:00 PM (43 minutes ago)

19 A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him
from them all; Psalm 34

Quite a day.....Destiny and I were on our way to do some shopping for
Carol. I was turning off of Lake Ave. onto another street  and was
trying to pay attention, but we went into the car in front of us.
Fortunately we weren't going too fast.   We both had our seat belts on
but Destiny lunged forward and hit her nose on the
dashboard. She blacked out for a second, and that's partly why the
ambulance decided to take her to the ER.  I  pulled the car off the
road and collected my thoughts waiting.....Filled out the traffic
report and went with Destiny in the ambulance to the hospital. Carol
arrived at the scene and finished up the business with the officer and
met us at the hospital.  Her nose isn't broken, it's just bruised,
which was great news! Thank you Lord.  All-in-all it could have been
much worse.

We got home and I assessed the damage of our older Mazda (200,000
miles.) It's a 91 Mazda with seat belts but no air bags.  I got the
hood up to see what had been leaking and it was the tube going into
the power steering mechanism. I think I can fix it in the morning, and
then off to the junk yard for a headlight and whatever else I need.  I
thought it wasn't drivable, but I "think" it can be fixed, even by
me.  Anyway, just a rundown of the days events...Don't know if I can
afford to so the shopping for Carol that we were going to do, but at
least we've sustained the injuries and we're home.

Stephen Hanson

3280 S. Academy #183
Colo. Spgs, CO. 80916
  (art site--new religious and landscapes)

*If you feel so led to help support this ministry and our
family, please consider by going to the link below. We are in
need of your support, but I also pray for those of you who
need it as well.

*You can request a personal prophecy or donate towards this ministry
Colorado Springs, CO. 80916
3280 S. Academy #183

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