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Thursday, November 03, 2011

ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers, Shredding Documents,

After Being Exposed as Players

Too many different organizations are attempting to jump on the OWS bandwagon, with their OWN hidden dark agendas adulterating the original intent.
Thanks to Kay Card, Global Rumblings correspondent for this.

ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers and Shredding Documents, After Exposed as Players 

Fox News ^ | November 3, 2011 | Jana Winter 
Posted on Thu Nov 03 2011 13:52:25 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by jazusamo
Complete title: ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers and Shredding Documents, After Exposed as Players Behind Occupy Wall Street Protests

Officials with the revamped ACORN office in New York -- operating as New York Communities for Change -- have fired staff, shredded reams of documents and told workers to blame disgruntled ex-employees for leaking information in an effort to explain away a report last week on the group’s involvement in Occupy Wall Street protests, according to sources.

NYCC also is installing surveillance cameras and recording devices at its Brooklyn offices, removing or packing away supplies bearing the name ACORN and handing out photos of Fox News staff with a stern warning not to talk to the media, the sources said.


“‘That’s the story that we’re sticking to,’” Westin said, according to the source.

The source said staffers at the meeting contested Westin’s denial:

“It was pretty funny. Jonathan told staff they don’t pay for protesters, but the people in the meeting who work there objected and said, ‘Wait, you pay us to go to the protests every day?’ Then Jonathan said ‘No, but that’s your job,’ and staffers were like, ‘Yeah, our job is to protest,’ and Westin said, ‘No your job is to fight for economic and social justice. We just send you to protest.’

“Staff said, ‘Yes, you pay us to carry signs.’ Then Jonathan says, ‘That’s your job.’ It went on like that back and forth for a while.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Excerpted comment:
 I have seen thousands of cockroaches scatter in the barn when a light is turned on. A perfect metaphor for Acorn.  

To: FUBHO who wrote (350151)2/23/2010 11:40:02 AM
From: Jorj X Mckie7 Recommendations  Read Replies (2)  of 454583
For a long time ACORN was like Edgar the Alien Cockroach in human skin in MIB

you could tell that he was messed up and evil, but his true nature was hidden.

Then ACORN was exposed for the monster it truly is....

And now that the light is shining on the giant cockroach, it is dividing up into many little cockroaches that will scurry off into the dark where they are harder to find and to fight.


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