In an Unprecedented MoveIn an unprecedented move, apparently one that has never happened before, nearly all U.S. Ambassadors to all nations have been called back to Washington for a summit conference. This event, mostly unreported, concluded on 4-Feb-2011. reports, “Ambassadors from almost all 260 U.S. embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries are expected to convene at the State Department for what’s being billed as the first meeting of its kind.”, “Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is convening an unprecedented mass meeting of U.S. ambassadors.” The first logical thought that comes to mind… Looking back at all previous world crisis, what might now be so important, evidently more-so than anything ever in the past, to call all Ambassadors back to Washington? And why has the press not reported on such an unusual event involving every U.S. diplomatic ambassador in the world? The sky’s the limit with ideas and conspiracy… To get all their stories ‘straight’ ahead of time – for something To prearrange settling the debt score between nations prior to a new world currency roll-out A dollar currency devaluation China is calling in our debt New severely damaging Wikileaks about to release Afraid of electronic communication leaks of something very important to discuss ??? While most Americans were involved with the SuperBowl, and the main stream media with the situation in Egypt, hardly any reporting on the event can be found… fine time to do something ‘under the radar’. Could this actually be simply a ‘first time’ of such a gathering to discuss ‘normal’ business? At first instinct, suspicion is aroused. stay tuned… Update, found this link from the U.S. Department of State website ‘Notice to the Press’ on February 1. This meeting was ‘officially’ about something named QDDR. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton convened the first ever Global Chiefs of Mission Conference. This will be the first time U.S. Ambassadors will gather from around the world simultaneously. A principal aim of the conference will be to prepare for the implementation of the recommendations in the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR) “The QDDR provides a blueprint for elevating American “civilian power” to better advance our national interests and to be a better partner to the U.S. military.” Some of the objectives of the QDDR
In summary, it appears that the U.S. State Department is trying to establish more effective control over their foreign ambassador offices and programs. The QDDR is the only officialexplanation offered by the State Dept. as to the reason for calling in all foreign ambassadors. Who knows what else goes on behind closed door meetings… Incoming search terms:
Modern Survival Blog related postsAuthor: ken (Modern Survival Blog) Date: February 6, 2011 Category: current events economics & politics Tags: foreign-affairs 24 Comments to “All Ambassadors Called Back to Washington!”Add a COMMENTColon Health: Fibre System $26.95 ITEM #7180 |
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Alert: All Ambassadors Called Back to Washington!
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There will also between this spring and next – revolution breaking out in all of Europe first and then USA. These are the coming major events with other side shows accompanying them. So say Catholic Mystics of unquestioned integrity, that both the Church and the World will shortly be punished for the great loss of faith. Our enemies will be allowed to punish us, they say, in an unprecedented horror about to unfold. Our enemies principally being Judeo/Freemasonry (Russia and Israel and it’s adherents and adepts in the Western Nations and who now control the powers to be, Mohamedianism (Christianity being the principle foe in the Koran) and paganism/atheism. Abortion, homosexuality, pornography, feminism, and the loss of the Christian faith by both it’s adherents and it’s priests and heirarchy. We allowed the enemy in the gates and denied our faith for the forbidden pleasures of this passing world to our own detriment.
and encryption methods that link the state department with the embassies: physical.
as well trust the ambassador as anyone in his embassy.
My concern is that it may be something darker – namely the collapse of the US currency. There is a You Tube download in 2 parts doing the rounds(sorry, I didn’t get to save it). It’s from a radio broadcast where one of the speakers claims to have spoken to someone ‘very high up’ who said to them that during the last 18 months some people from the USG have been travelling the world speaking to central banks of many countries telling them that there’s no way the dollar can continue, because the debts are too great and will never be able to be repaid and that there is a devaluation planned of up to 70%. The radio guest (only initials where given) was allegedly told that the announcement of the collapse/devaluation could come anytime between March and September. It was also said that the Euro is planned to collapse, to be followed about a month later by the USD – bringing in a single world currency as part of the NWO plan.
Now maybe this is all BS – but the timing of the recall to Washington seems a little too close for comfort to ignore at least the possibility of what been reported on the web. By recalling the Ambassadors to Washington ensures there is no chance of a leak. If there was one before ‘they’ are ready to announce it would put the worlds markets into a tailspin. Peace.
This is a unique occurence and cannot be explained other than as preparatory to something huge.
These theosophists, adherents to the Babylon mystery religion and followers of Blavatsky and Bailey, Crowley and Pike, are following their agenda in fulfilment of prophecy, the intent to force their new Christ upon us, via “Shock and Awe” in a variety of forms: economic collapse ready for one world currency, collapse of belief systems ready for one world religion, collapse of peace between nations ready for one world government.
I hope they get on with it, the anticipation is excrutiating!
Strangely, they still believe they’re in with a chance of ordering and controlling the next “thousand year reich” as another Theosophist black magic practitioner had it (Hitler, no less.)
He got it wrong then, as they do now.
Humanity will emerge from this nightmare soon and after much pain, the last lesson in the essential nature of Love as a governing principle in all human relations.
Meantime, fear nothing, not death itself, and beware of the great deceivers.
Love to all,
Olive Farmer.
It is so much less stressing to deal with this when we know are get told the truth. On the ET angle again, disclosure is desperately being requested of Mr Obama.