U K U F O s i g h t i n g s ' d o u b l e i n a s i n g l e y e a r 'O l d, ( 2 0 0 8 ) b u t a n i n t e r e s t i n g o b s e r v a t i o n. |
UFO in Portsmouth, UK 2008 |
Officials have admitted the number of UFO sightings more than doubled in 2008 - including one spotted hovering over Parliament.

A total of 285 unidentified flying objects were reported to the Ministry Of Defence in 2008, compared to just 135 in 2007, according to official documents.
The reports include a mystery craft spotted hovering opposite Parliament was reported on February 12th, 2008. According to the document: 'There was a craft that had green, red and white lights. It was still and static in the sky. It was seen for about half an hour.'
The rise in the number of sightings - the biggest since 1998 - was described as 'phenomenal' by experts.The MoD only investigate reports of unidentified flying objects that it considers may pose a risk to national security, and most of the incidents seem just to have been logged and ignored. On June 28, near Cobham in Somerset, a document notes that someone reported seeing 'something interesting' in the sky. A few days earlier, it states: 'Twenty-five amber lights were seen leaving the Heathrow area. They were seen travelling West at 45 degrees, 200-300 knots'.
Another interesting sighting was reported in February 2008 where a UFO the size of a 747 was reported above Leeds, West Yorkshire. That craft was described as a 'jumbo jet sized object which was flat and round with a blue ripple underside. It made no sound and then disappeared.'
And last month (January 09) it was claimed that a UFO ripped a 60ft blade off a wind farm turbine in Lincolnshire. Hundreds of witnesses reported hearing an earsplitting bang at 4am. One saw orangey-yellow spheres skimming across the sky, while another reported a 'massive ball of light' with 'tentacles going right down to the ground'.
Ecotricity, which owns the site, said while investigations continued they were not ruling anything out - but the extent of damage was "unique".
The turbine is one of 20 at the Conisholme site, which has only been fully operational since April 2008. The broken blade has been recovered and is being examined.
Local ufologists said they had received many reports of activity in the area and had teams searching for clues. Russ Kellett, from the Flying Saucer Bureau, said witnesses had told him of activity in the area. "One saw what they at first thought was a low-flying aircraft on the Saturday evening and another heard a loud banging in the early hours of Sunday," he said.
"This is the second most reports of activity we have ever had - I have had over 30 phone calls and emails. To hit two of the blades, any object must have been about 170ft long."
Local ufologists said they had received many reports of activity in the area and had teams searching for clues. Russ Kellett, from the Flying Saucer Bureau, said witnesses had told him of activity in the area. "One saw what they at first thought was a low-flying aircraft on the Saturday evening and another heard a loud banging in the early hours of Sunday," he said.
"This is the second most reports of activity we have ever had - I have had over 30 phone calls and emails. To hit two of the blades, any object must have been about 170ft long."
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