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Friday, January 07, 2011

Atlantis and Arkansas quakes, bird deaths connections

to 'Crystal Vortex' Ritual

Excerpted from Larry Taylor's From the Edge YahooGroup:

ARKANSAS eq., 'Crystal Vortex' Ritual on 10.10.10

[sent by Sue Bradley] {2 jpg images}

2 of 2 Photo(s)Attachment 2, USGS
Tue Jan 4, 2011 10:46 am

Hi Larry,

I'm trying to get this to you as it is very relevant to the AR eq/bird/fish phenomenon.  Also have another dear friend, Kim, is trying to dispatch to you as we're having major Internet connectivity problems here.

There is an enormous amount of scientific evidence that crystals contain/control/activate EM frequencies.  I sent some earlier info on this today.

There is also significant evidence that migratory animals are tuned to the Earth's EM frequency and when interrupted/disrupted, it results in massive fatalities.  Example would be the beaching of whales due to sonic disturbance, NAASW, etc.  Recall the 'sign of Jonah' offshore Israel in May, 2010.

Other terrestrial and aerial migratory animals respond similarly, and with the amount of EM activity in the 'air pollution' due to wireless and other EM signals, these species are fragile.

While studying this a bit, I learned that Arkansas was host to the ARKANSAS CRYSTAL VORTEX GATHERING ritual on 10.10.10.

On Attachment 1,  the "Gathering locale" is Mount Magazine State Park and identified with a RED pin marker.

The USGS produced a very detailed graph/chart of the October, 2010 earthquake activity in Arkansas.  This graph is identified as Attachment 2.

The 5 earthquakes identified by the USGS were near the Twin Groves area of Arkansas and the dates were from 10.11.2010 - 10.16.2010.  Twin Groves, Arkansas is included on Attachment 1 and identified with the PURPLE pin marker.

Please read the text below, highlighted in red for some very interesting information (obviously channeled), but very relevant.

I realize how busy you are, but believe that you will understand and likely expand on this newer information: I've not seen anything relating to crystal activation/communication etc. on the web.

The USGS map is stunning in the precision and sequence of these October events.

Time: October 10, 2010 all day
Location: Arkansas Crystal Vortex
Website or Map:
Organized By: James Tyberonn, Earth Keeper
Latest Activity: Oct. 10, 2010

Revisiting Atlantis: The Crystalline Field of 10-10-10:

*The Atla-Ra knew that once the modulated 'motherboard' of the crystal moon satellite lost its antigravity field, it would crash in a huge explosion and its crashing would subsequently reek havoc on the major and poser energy crystals, creating catastrophic secondary explosions of a nuclear-class within hours or days of the crash.' They wanted to insure the master crystals would not be destroyed or used for any further negative purpose, and be saved for a time when mankind could use them as they were intended.

They understood the power required to transport them would be lost after the crash, and that urgent expediency was required. Seven of the enormous primary crystals and two slightly smaller but incredible Arcturian crystals were relocated within the bulk transport systems of the underground tunnel system with help from Sirius B

Three huge primary crystals were relocated to the ATLANTEAN CRYSTAL FIELDS OF ARKANSAS
, two were relocated to the underground crystal farms of BRAZIL in the areas of Bahia and Mineas Gerais, one was relocated to underground chasm below MOUNT SHASTA, and the great fire crystal was placed underground in a chasm below the BIMINI Bank in the Sargasso Sea.

The two sacred Acturian crystals were relocated in the chasms below the area of Tiajuanaco, Bolivia near Lake Titicaca. All nine were put in dimensional locks, essentially powered down into energetic dormancy through the technology of the Sirians.

Dozens of other Master Crystals were lost. The rest, in your vernacular is history, poignant lost history from your mainstream perspective. Truly the paradox of the forgotten history is that it is contains the most purposeful of lessons! Indeed after a few months of being utilized for the thermal 'death ray' technology the great crystal satellite overloaded, its antigravity cushion weakened and it crashed with the accelerated velocity of a massive comet in a horrific explosion that devastated most of OG and critically weaken the tectonic stability of the Atlantean plate, vaporizing massive sections of substrata.

The great crystal satellite shattered into billions of fragmented crystalline shards, which now fill the deep trenches of the Atlantic. Massive clouds of dust and smoke erupted, hiding the sun. Waves of earthquakes and tsunamis devastated the island and sent great waves over two thirds of Aryan. Within minutes the remaining power stations exploded with the strength of nuclear bombs. The remains of one such crystal power station explosion can be seen to this day in the area of northeast Brasil called 'Sete Cidades'. Atlantis, and the eastern coast of Brazil and the western coast of Africa were devastated with subsequent earthquakes. Panic and havoc ensued for 3 weeks as the remaining dry areas shook and landmasses collapsed into the sea.

The land bridge that connected Poseida and Og to the Yucatan remained above water initially and was literally filled with hundreds of thousands of Atlanteans frantically attempting to escape in a horrendous panic filled exodus. Every type of sea going vessel was filled with the surviving terrorized refugees. And then in one shattering gasp, the remaining lands collapsed downward into the sea. The displaced seas that became known as the great flood sent dozens of enormous tsunamis that spilled over South America, Africa and Europe.

Other new age Arkansas/Atlantis/Crystal information:
Fall of Atlantis Revisited, 10.10.10 Arkansas Crystalline Field

The swarms of Oct. 11-16, 2010 were near Twin Groves (purple pin, left)

Time: October 10, 2010 all day
Location:  Arkansas Crystal Vortex
Website or Map:
Organized By: James Tyberonn, Earth Keeper
Latest Activity: Oct. 10, 2010

*The Atla-Ra knew that once the modulated 'motherboard' of the crystal moon satellite lost its antigravity field, it would crash in a huge explosion and its crashing would subsequently reek havoc on the major and poser energy crystals, creating catastrophic secondary explosions of a nuclear-class within hours or days of the crash. The Atla-Ra and Sirians wanted to insure the master crystals would not be destroyed or used for any further negative purpose, and be saved for a time when mankind could use them as they were intended.

They understood the power required to transport them would be lost after the crash, and that urgent expediency was required. Seven of the enormous primary crystals and two slightly smaller but incredible Arcturian crystals were relocated within the bulk transport systems of the underground tunnel system with help from Sirius B
. Three huge primary crystals were relocated to the Atlantean crystal fields of Arkansas, two were relocated to the underground crystal farms of Brazil in the areas of Bahia and Mineas Gerais, one was relocated to underground chasm below Mount Shasta, and the great fire crystal was placed underground in a chasm below the Bimini Bank in the Sargasso Sea.

The two sacred Acturian crystals were relocated in the chasms below the area of Tiajuanaco, Bolivia near Lake Titicaca. All nine were put in dimensional locks, essentially powered down into energetic dormancy through the technology of the Sirians.

Dozens of other Master Crystals were lost. The rest, in your vernacular is history, poignant lost history from your mainstream perspective. Truly the paradox of the forgotten history is that it is contains the most purposeful of lessons! Indeed after a few months of being utilized for the thermal 'death ray' technology the great crystal satellite overloaded, its antigravity cushion weakened and it crashed with the accelerated velocity of a massive comet in a horrific explosion that devastated most of OG and critically weaken the tectonic stability of the Atlantean plate, vaporizing massive sections of substrata.

The great crystal satellite shattered into billions of fragmented crystalline shards, which now fill the deep trenches of the Atlantic. Massive clouds of dust and smoke erupted, hiding the sun. Waves of earthquakes and tsunamis devastated the island and sent great waves over two thirds of Aryan. Within minutes the remaining power stations exploded with the strength of nuclear bombs. The remains of one such crystal power station explosion can be seen to this day in the area of northeast Brasil called 'Sete Cidades'. Atlantis, and the eastern coast of Brazil and the western coast of Africa were devastated with subsequent earthquakes. Panic and havoc ensued for 3 weeks as the remaining dry areas shook and landmasses collapsed into the sea.

The land bridge that connected Poseida and Og to the Yucatan remained above water initially and was literally filled with hundreds of thousands of Atlanteans frantically attempting to escape in a horrendous panic filled exodus. Every type of sea going vessel was filled with the surviving terrorized refugees. And then in one shattering gasp, the remaining lands collapsed downward into the sea. The displaced seas that became known as the great flood sent dozens of enormous tsunamis that spilled over South America, Africa and Europe.

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