Why the Mystery Surrounding Hillary Clinton's 'Ailment'? What is it really?
Strange Timing - just before she was due to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on the September 11 terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi -
Around Dec 30, Media quietly reports plane landing in Ahvaz, Iran on Dec 14:
Debka hints at plane crash/emergency landing link in Ahvaz, Iran:
Hillary Clinton in hospital amid speculation of plane accident in Iran
DEBKAfile Special Report December 31, 2012, 11:08 PM (GMT+02:00)
Hillary Clinton in a recent appearance in Turkey
However, NBC television’s medical correspondent Robert Bazell was skeptical about the blood clot being caused by an earlier concussion because, he said, it if were, it would not be treated with anti-coagulents. “So either it's not really related to the concussion and she’s got a blood clot in her leg or something, or there’s something else going on that we’re not being told.”
Speculation about her condition started flying about in early December, when she cancelled without notice, her participation in the Friends of Syrian forum in Marrakesh on Dec, 6. Not only was she one of the founders of this forum, but her presence was vitally needed at the time because NATO and Washington were picking up suspicious movements of the Syrian army’s chemical weapons, which marked a disastrous turn in the Syrian conflict.
She was first reported to have come down with flu and, three days later, on Dec, 9, with a stomach bug.
On Dec. 10, the day before she was due to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on the September 11 terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi - in which Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other US diplomats lost there lives - the State Department which has been heavily under fire over the episode, announced that Clinton had sustained a concussion after fainting out from dehydration.
On Dec. 10, the day before she was due to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on the September 11 terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi - in which Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other US diplomats lost there lives - the State Department which has been heavily under fire over the episode, announced that Clinton had sustained a concussion after fainting out from dehydration.
None of the details normally released in such cases, such as when exactly she fainted, the seriousness of the concussion she suffered or how she was being treated, was offered
She 'fell'. She has a concussion. She has a "blood clot behind her ear due to the concussion."
"She was scheduled to return to work at the State Department this week after being sidelined for most of the past month.Her illness forced her to bow out of testifying on December 20 before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the deadly September attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya."
Commander Job Price, head of Hillary's security detail, dies inexplicably, without any solid, confirmed date given: CNN) -- The Navy is investigating the death in Afghanistan of one of its most senior SEAL officers as an apparent suicide, ....
From Jersey Nut:
But certain rumors now must be addressed, especially as Hillary appears to be more seriously ill than we were originally told.
Specifically - was Madame Secretary on a secret mission to negotiate (surrender?) with the Iranian mullahs when her plane crashed, killing a top Navy Seal in the process, one whose death is being smeared and covered up?
That's what they are saying...in Europe. From the EU Times:
A new Foreign Military Intelligence (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today is saying that United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was injured, and a top US Navy Seal Commander killed when their C-12 Huron military passenger and transport aircraft crash landed nearly 3 weeks ago in the Iranian city of Ahvaz near the Iraqi border.
Iranian intelligence agents quoted in this GRU report confirm that the C-12 Huron aircraft is still in their possession in Ahvaz, but will only admit that the plane was “forced to land because of technical problems”.
The US Navy Seal member reported killed in this bizarre incident, this report says, was indentified as Commander Job W. Price who as a leader of this highly specialized American Special Forces unit protects high-ranking diplomats traveling in Middle Eastern and Asian combat zones.
Curiously, US media reports on Commander Price’s death say it being investigated as a possible suicide as he died from what the American Defense Department describes as “a non-combat related injury”.
Here's the "details", such as they are:
This GRU report, however, states that US military flight logs recorded by Russian air and space forces confirm that Commander Price, and other members of US Navy Seal Team 4, left their base in Urozgan Province, Afghanistan on a flight to US Naval Support Activity Bahrain where they met up with Secretary Clinton and all of them transferred to the C-12 Huron that began a flight path to Baghdad, Iraq.
Within minutes of leaving Bahrain airspace, this report says, the C-12 Huron carrying Secretary Clinton and her US Navy Seal protectors, “without notice,” deviated from their assigned flight path heading, instead, directly towards Iran’s Ahwaz International Airport where, coincidentally, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had previously landed on an “unscheduled” visit.
Important to note, GRU analysts say in this report, was that when the C-12 Huron entered into Iranian airspace neither American nor Iran air force units responded clearly indicating that this secret mission was sanctioned.
Upon the C-12 Huron landing at Ahwaz, however, this report says it encountered “extreme turbulence” causing it to leave the runway where its main landing gear then collapsed causing it to crash.
Within seconds of the C-12 Huron crashing, this report continues, Iranian emergency and security personal responded freeing the victims, including Secretary Clinton who was reportedly unconscious and “bleeding profusely.”
Well, certainly this would have given her the infamous concussion. And blunt impact trauma can often cause blood clots that show up some time later.
This little tidbit showed up yesterday...a story out of Iran, reported by ABC (who takes pains to point out elsewhere they reported this story "more than two weeks ago". Also interesting...)
A small American commercial plane left Iran Sunday after it was repaired following an emergency landing at an Iranian airport this month, state TV reported.
The plane was forced to land 16 days ago at the airport of the southern city of Ahvaz due to technical failure, Mahmoud Rasoulinejad, head of the state-owned Iran Airports Company, told the TV station.
"So my plane is scheduled to land right here..."
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