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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hamas's Talibanization of the Gaza Strip

The Cutting Edge News:

Palestine on Edge

January 29th 2013
Palestinian Authority police
Those who thought that Hamas would ever establish a modern and liberal regime in the Gaza Strip received another reminder this week of how the radical Islamist movement is pursuing its effort to create a Taliban-style entity in the territory that has been under its control since 2007. The reminder came in the form of a decision taken by the Al-Aqsa University administration in the Gaza Strip to force female students to dress in accordance with Islamic teachings.
This means that all female students would be required to wear the hijab or niqab which cover their heads and faces. This latest measure is part of a Hamas campaign aimed at "inculcating [Islamic] values and virtues" in the Gaza Strip, Hamas officials explained. As part of this campaign, Hamas last week imposed a ban on low-waist trousers, Western-style haircuts and tight gowns.


Just last week, arsonists torched three restaurants in the West Bank town of Bir Zeit, a traditional stronghold of secular Palestinians, after accusing the owners of selling alcohol and allowing young men and women to sit together.
Under the current circumstances, there is nothing that could be done to stop the Talibanization of the Gaza Strip. What is happening in the Gaza Strip is one of the by-products of the so-called Arab Spring, which has seen the rise of Islamists to power in a number of Arab countries.
It is nice to see the PLO denouncing Hamas for its effort to enforce Sharia laws in the Gaza Strip. But then the PLO should be asking itself why its leaders are continuing to seek unity with a fundamentalist movement that has endorsed Taliban's tactics and lifestyle?
Instead of seeking unity with Hamas, the PLO leadership should be making a bigger effort to prevent radical Islam from extending its control to the West Bank. The PLO can achieve this goal only if it continues with its current policy of conducting security coordination with Israel.
Meanwhile, foreign activists who continue to arrive in the Gaza Strip to voice solidarity with Hamas need to know that they are complicit in the effort to establish a repressive and brutal entity that has no respect for freedoms and despises Western culture and values.

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Taliban,Middle East, mideast ,tension,Hamas,Islamic teaching,sharia law,end times, biblical prophecy,
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