Looked this up on snopes at http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/dhs.asp
IT IS TRUE! Look for yourself unbelievable.
Bio & News

Kareem Shora has been a sworn member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council since June 5, 2009.[1] He is the National Executive Director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) in Washington, D.C. and was selected by the Ford Foundation as a member of the Foreign Policy Task Force designing their Laboratory for New Thinking on Foreign Policy. Shora received the American Immigration Lawyers Association "Arthur C. Helton Human Rights Award." He is a member of the ODNI Heritage Community Liaison Council, has been published in multiple law journals and is a frequent guest on Al-Arabiya and Al-Jazeera[2], BBC, and numerous American television programs. Shora is also a regular guest lecturer at Yale University School of Law.[3]
[edit]The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
The Damascus-born Kareem Shora has close ties with the anti-Israel, Columbia University professor Rashid Khalida through the ADC. The ADC leads the opposition to domestic anti-terrorism measures taken after the 9/11 attacks, such as watch lists, background check delays for visas and an initiative meant to more comprehensively screen visitors from Mideast countries or specific individuals labeled as possible national security threats. The ADC also has a history of defending Hamas and Hezbollah as non-terrorist, legitimate organizations.[4]
[edit]See Also
- Public Figures - A hub page that leads to other articles related to Muslim public figures in America
[edit]External Links
- Devout Muslims In Key Homeland Security Posts - JudicialWatch, Right Side News, November 22, 2009
- American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) - For more information about the ADC
- ↑ Secretary Napolitano Swears in Homeland Security Advisory Council Members - Department of Homeland Security, June 5, 2009
- ↑ Kareem Shora Appointed - TMO - Muslim Media Network, June 11, 2009
- ↑ Members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (cached version) - Department of Homeland Security, page 6
- ↑ Napolitano adds adviser with ties to terror backers - Aaron Klein - WorldNetDaily, June 7, 2009
We had better start praying without ceasing.
God Bless America!
Beware of Imams Bearing Gifts of Peace and Tolerance: From Terror to Dhimmitude
"This ridiculous haggling over [Fort Hood jihad mass murderer's] beard is part of the general policy of the U.S. government not to offend Muslims"
More on the latest manifestation of the dhimmitude that has overtaken the military at the highest levels. "Why Fort Hood shooter still awaits trial 3 years later," by Jack Minor for WorldNetDaily, December 25:
A new judge in the case of Nidal Hasan, who’s accused of screaming “Allahu Akbar” and gunning down fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, has decided to ignore an Army regulation.Col. Tara Anderson, replacing Col. Gregory Gross as judge, said that although the Army requires Hasan to be clean-shaven, she would not challenge Hasan’s decision to disobey the regulation.“I’m not going to hold that against you,” Anderson told Hasan.The beard is just one of many instances in the case in which the military has relinquished authority.Hasan, a major and Army psychiatrist at Fort Hood, is accused of walking into the Soldier Readiness Center of the base Nov. 5, 2009, and opening fire on his fellow soldiers. Thirteen died and nearly 30 more were injured.The attack stopped after Hasan himself was shot and paralyzed.A survivor reported Hasan shouted “Allahu Akbar,” or “Allah is greatest,” a phrase commonly uttered by jihadists prior to carrying out an attack. The Fort Hood attack was the worst shooting on an American military base.Hasan had been on federal officials’ radar screen for at least six months prior to the shooting over postings he made on the Internet. He likened a suicide bomber who kills women and children to a soldier who throws himself on a grenade to give his life in a “noble cause.”Intelligence officials also intercepted at least 18 emails between Hasan and the radical American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. Hasan told al-Awlaki in one of the emails, “I can’t wait to join you” in paradise. He also asked al-Awlaki whether it was appropriate to kill innocents in a suicide attack, when jihad was acceptable and how to transfer funds without attracting government notice....In July, the wrinkle over Hasan’s beard developed. During his time in the Army he was clean shaven. However, now that he was in jail for allegedly killing his fellow soldiers, Hasan claimed he has the right to wear a beard, in direct contradiction of Army regulations which require a soldier to be clean shaven unless there is a medical reason.Hasan told Gross, the judge then hearing the case: “Your honor, in the name of almighty Allah, I am a Muslim. I believe that my religion requires me to wear a beard.”
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Dhimmitude - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dhimmitude is a neologism borrowed from the French language. It is derived by adding the productive suffix -tude to the Arabic noun dhimmi, which refers to a non ...
Dhimmis and Dhimmitude: The Status of Minorities Under Islamic Rule
The Status of Non-Muslim Minorities Under Islamic Rule. Dhimmitude: the Islamic system of governing populations conquered by jihad wars, encompassing all of the ...
What is Dhimmitude?
Dhimmitude is a Muslim form of slavery imposed on non-Muslim people, those known thereafter as "dhimmis." The word is occasionally spelt as "zhimmitude," and in both cases, the "h" is silent. In all cases, the dhimmi must be silent as well. He is, according to Shari'a, that is to say, Islamic law, a slave who has no rights equal to a Muslim. Such is the nature of life for a Christian, a Jew, and a handful of other "monotheists" living in Muslim lands.
Dhimmitude is imposed on people when Muslims control the politics of an area, whether a nation or a neighbourhood. No dhimmi is equal under the laws of Shari'a to a Muslim. And as bad as this is for non-Muslims, not all people qualify to be a slave of the Muslims. The law arose this way:
That there shall be no religion other than Islam, according to Muslims. But you have probably read and heard just the opposite.
Dhimmitude is imposed on people when Muslims control the politics of an area, whether a nation or a neighbourhood. No dhimmi is equal under the laws of Shari'a to a Muslim. And as bad as this is for non-Muslims, not all people qualify to be a slave of the Muslims. The law arose this way:
That there shall be no religion other than Islam, according to Muslims. But you have probably read and heard just the opposite.
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