Unexplained Light Formation Spotted Above San Francisco’s Mission Dist. (And Brooklyn - see below)
December 10, 2012 11:42 PM
These unexplained lights were spotted above the Mission District early Sunday (Enrique B)
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS 5) – A viewer told CBS 5 about some surprising video captured early Sunday morning in San Francisco’s Mission District.
In the video, a series of lights fly in formation above the city before appearing to take a diamond shape and eventually disappearing.
Several commenters on the Mission Mission blog said that they had also noticed the aircraft.
The video, which shows seven lights in a row, was shot by Enrique Barrios with his cellphone.
Video Of Lights Above SF (Warning, language NSFW):
“Looked like flame, you know, fireballs in the sky,” Barrios said in an interview with CBS 5.
David Shelley took pictures as the lights hovered over him early Sunday Morning. “Kind of looked like a fiery, floaty thing,” he said.
Witnesses said the lights flickered on and off, then took different shapes.
“So in the beginning they looked like flying candles, and then afterwards they started making formations, triangular formations,” said Barrios.
Bing Quock, assistant director of the Morrison Planetarium at the California Academy of Sciences said, “It’s not a planet, it’s not a constellation, it’s not meteors, it’s not the moon.”
Unexplained Light Formation Spotted Above San Francisco’s Mission Dist. « CBS San Francisco:
The Mayan apocalypse believed by some to be taking place on Dec. 21, 2012, has apparently been preceded by multiple sightings of UFOs hovering over major U.S. cities. In the past week, San Francisco and Brooklyn were both treated to the sight of mysterious illuminated objects floating in the sky.
On Dec. 3, in the Prospect Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, an amateur video
captured a slow-moving parade of lights overhead. The trio of lights appeared to move in a coordinated fashion, slowing down and then moving again in roughly the same direction and at the same speed.
A similarly choreographed ballet of lights, reported by some as a UFO sighting, danced over the Mission district of San Francisco in the wee hours of Dec. 9. As in the Brooklyn sighting, the lights seemed to hover calmly above the city, then slowly drift away in unison, as seen in this amateur video.
At least one astronomer was stumped by the San Francisco sighting. "It's not a planet, it's not a constellation, it's not meteors, it’s not the moon," Bing Quock, assistant director of the Morrison Planetarium at the California Academy of Sciences, told CBS San Francisco
. "It looks to me like it could have been balloons, carrying lights." [Infographic: Where to Spot UFOs
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/science/2012/12/12/did-ufos-fly-over-san-francisco-brooklyn/#ixzz2F6ZUHSSd
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