This would be further verification of what Cherokee traditional elders have been saying...
that we lived alongside them.
“When the one Creator of all things,
U-nay-kla-nah-hi, made the first Cherokees,
the stars began to twinkle with approval;
thus it is our responsibility to live up to these heavenly expectations.”
Chief Jahtlohi Rogers
“Spotted Owl fell asleep under a dancing star.
this was the night he learned to dream.
His soul became a strong white bird,
his mind a snapping terrapin,
his body as strong as a bear,
his medicine important and peaceful”
Marijo Moore - Cherokee
The Mayans have been under intense scrutiny over the past few years as rumours abound about their mysterious 5,125-year calendar allegedly predicting the apocalypse on December 21 2012.
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that we lived alongside them.
“When the one Creator of all things,
U-nay-kla-nah-hi, made the first Cherokees,
the stars began to twinkle with approval;
thus it is our responsibility to live up to these heavenly expectations.”
Chief Jahtlohi Rogers
When you learn that Cherokee history is a multi-colored rope,
woven by our ancestors from the beginning of time. Their weaving was strong and good enough to get us here, but not without many, many of the strands breaking. Then during thunderstorms, you will be able to hear the old ones chant “Be warned, Cherokee! Weave stronger, Cherokee! Be warned”
Chief Jahtlohi Rogers
woven by our ancestors from the beginning of time. Their weaving was strong and good enough to get us here, but not without many, many of the strands breaking. Then during thunderstorms, you will be able to hear the old ones chant “Be warned, Cherokee! Weave stronger, Cherokee! Be warned”
Chief Jahtlohi Rogers
The textbooks will tell you that the Mayan people thrived in Central America from about 250 to 900 A.D., building magnificent temples in Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and southern Mexico.
But could they possibly have left stone ruins in the mountains of North Georgia? Richard Thornton thinks so. He says he's an architect by training, but has been researching the history of native people in and around Georgia for years. On, he wrote about an 1,100-year-old archeological site near Georgia's highest mountain, Brasstown Bald, that he said "is possibly the site of the fabled city of Yupaha, which Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto failed to find in 1540."
This might all be fairly arcane stuff, except that an archeologist he cited, Mark Williams of the University of Georgia, took exception. In the comments section after Thornton's piece, he wrote, "I am the archaeologist Mark Williams mentioned in this article. This is total and complete bunk. There is no evidence of Maya in Georgia. Move along now."
Immediately the story exploded. In comments on Examiner, as well as on Facebook and in emails, users piled on. One woman called Williams "completely pompous and arrogant." A man wrote he was "completely disrespectful to the Public at large." Another said he would urge the state of Georgia to cut off funding for Williams' academic department at the university.
All of this left Thornton, who writes often about the Maya for, "dumbfounded."
"I actually was giving Williams a plug," he said in an interview with ABC News. "I've got a regular readership, but this thing just went viral."
Thornton, who said he is Georgia Creek Indian by birth, volunteered that doing research about Mesoamerican culture in the U.S. has been a difficult way to make a living. For nine months before the Examiner hired him, he said he was so poor he had to live out of a tent. He said he now makes money by writing online and lecturing.
Some of his conclusions about the Mayan connection to the southern U.S., he said, are based on oral history. There are place names in Georgia and North Carolina, he said, that are very similar to Mayan words. And the ruins near Brasstown Bald, he said, include mounds and irrigation terraces similar to those found at Mayan settlements in Central America.
Williams, the doubting archeologist, had many online defenders. "While there are many, many compelling parallels between Central American and North American indigenous mythologies," wrote one, "that does not mean there was direct evidence that the post-Classic Period Collapse Maya emigrated all the way to Georgia."
Williams stood his ground against Thornton's suggestion that Brasstown Bald has any Mayan roots. "The sites are certainly those of Native Americans of prehistoric Georgia," he wrote in an email. "Wild theories are not new, but the web simply spreads them faster than ever."
Cherokees come in many colors and we feel that this is one of our strengths which allows us to understand and respect all humans as brothers.
Wado (Thank you.)
Charles L Jahtlohi (Kingfisher) Rogers M.D.
Traditional Chief (Ugu)
Wado (Thank you.)
Charles L Jahtlohi (Kingfisher) Rogers M.D.
Traditional Chief (Ugu)
“Spotted Owl fell asleep under a dancing star.
this was the night he learned to dream.
His soul became a strong white bird,
his mind a snapping terrapin,
his body as strong as a bear,
his medicine important and peaceful”
Marijo Moore - Cherokee
The Mayans have been under intense scrutiny over the past few years as rumours abound about their mysterious 5,125-year calendar allegedly predicting the apocalypse on December 21 2012.
But various experts have spoken out over the last month, including Mexico's 'Grand Warlock' Antonio Vazquez, to say that the Mayan calendar instead will just reset and a new time-span will begin.
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I have also found evidence of a Mayan presence in Florida and Georgia. Corn, a native crop of Mexico, shows up first in Florida around 200 AD. Around the same time Mayan glyphs show up on pottery in these areas and enormous earthen pyramids were constructed at Letchworth Mounds in Florida and Kolomoki Mounds in Georgia. These sites are associated with the Hitchiti-Creek Indians who, I've found, have multiple Mayan words in their language. The French and Spanish made eye-witness accounts of Indians mining gold in north Georgia. The French recorded the name of the tribe doing the mining as Potanou. The Spanish said they lived in a province called Ocala and one of their towns was named Uqueten. Interestingly, the Poton Maya lived in a province in Mexico named Acala and were also known as the Yokot'an (which is where the Yucatan gets its name.) Are these all coincidences? Learn more at my website: