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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

2012 News Jan 2005

2012 News Jan 2005

(from 2012: Dire Gnosis)

New on What's New :

  a.. Tibetan Buddhist Monks' Predictions for 2012: Indian tourists have recently returned from Tibet with stories of Tibetan predictions of a nuclear war that will start in 2012, but that divine powers/and/or extraterrestrials will intervene to prevent the ultimate catastrophe.

  b.. The Pyramid of Fire: John Major Jenkins's and Marty Matz's important new book is now available, giving a fascinating and previously unavailable glimpse into Aztec philosophy.

  c.. The Psilocybin Solution:  A free, online book, argues that Gaia is able to communicate with mankind via psilocybin to prepare us for 2012.

New on 2012 Books:

  a.. Continuum 2012: A fictional e-book about our future descendents returning through time to sort out humanity.

New on 2012 Links:

  a.. Earth 2012: a non-profit UK-based organisation that aims to build a better world after a shift of consciousness has taken place in 2012, by implementing a 7-project plan. The first of these will be a water-fuelled car  - the prototype is due to be revealed in 2006.

  b.. O / Time 2013: The site, run by the O/Time Foundation -  an "ominifaith metaphysical spiritualist church", claims that an 84-year old "elder" of Aztec/Maya heritage, called Trececasas (meaning "keeper of the tradition"), has revealed the true Maya prophecies for 2012, but you will have to pay $70 to do the full course and hear them all.

  c.. Summary of JMJ Talks at the Tempe 2012 Conference: John Major Jenkins has now put up a page summarising his Friday night keynote address and his 3-hour workshop held on the Monday of the Road to 2012 Conference held at Tempe, Arizona, in November 2004. The page includes a comment on a statement made by Mads Larsen in his conference summary written for Diagnosis2012, and a hyperlink to the Jenkins summary has now been added to Larsen's conference summary. See JMJ's summary at

New on 2012 Events:

Events in Belgium organised by De Cirkel:

  a.. International Crop Circle Conference on 9th April 2005 BELGIUM

  b.. Festival 2012 July 23-25 2005 BELGIUM

Other News

  a.. 2012 page warning. The Bible Code Website now has an "End of Days" page, on which the webmaster claims that he 'studied the Mayan calendar when in Mexico'. This statement is alongside a graphic of the Aztec Sunstone, which is titled "Mayan long-count calendar". This shows that the webmaster's studies were of a very poor standard, since the Aztec Sunstone is not the Mayan long-count calendar (though there is a possible connection discovered by Straydog and revealed in the Aztec Sunstone animation). Sure enough, the page includes large chunks cut and pasted from the Diagnosis2012 website. The fact that the first Egyptian dynasty started around 3,100 BC, close to the 3114 BC start-date of the long count, is mutated into mumblings about an "Egyptian long-count calendar". The infected page thus does not really qualify for inclusion on the 2012 Links page, but can be found at for your amusement.

  b.. Road to 2012 DVDs. Tapes and DVDs of all the talks and workshops at the Road to 2012 Conference in Tempe, Arizona are now available from The talk by Geoff Stray, which has been titled "What's Beyond 2012?" (original title: Beyond 2012: Game over or Next Level?) includes an almost complete showing of the Aztec Sunstone animation.

  c.. Carl Calleman, the inventor of the October 28th 2011 end-point, is now calling himself "The Jaguar Prophet of Our Time" (see bottom of his recent article widely spread over the internet, called "Professional Astronomers enter Mayan Calendar Debate"  this article repeats the same misinformation that John Major Jenkins has addressed, as mentioned last month in Whats New item 155 at  ). We may presume that this is a case of "keeping up with the Joneses" - i.e. "The Bearer of the Codex" (Ian Lungold) and "The Closer of the Cycle". (Jose Arguelles). Perhaps Straydog should henceforth be known as "The Wearer of the Dog Collar"? (Only joking.)

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