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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

New, Ominous Warnings Being Given Americas - Whale beachings

New, Ominous Warnings Being Given Americas

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Whales beached in Kihei
By ILIMA LOOMIS, Staff Writer
KIHEI ? A pygmy sperm whale and her young calf beached themselves at Kealia on
Saturday afternoon and were moved to a protected pond when it was apparent they
would not swim back out to sea on their own.

?Externally they seem fine. They?re breathing well, their eyes are responsive
and they?re moving,? said David Mattila, a biologist and whale rescue specialist
with the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary.
But the fact that they had beached themselves at all was not a good sign. Pygmy
sperm whales are a deep-water species and normally don?t swim into shallow water
unless they?re distressed.
?If they come in like this there?s something wrong with them, and 99 percent of
the time they won?t survive,? Mattila said.
Wildlife biologists and volunteers moved the animals by truck to the protected
waters of Ko?ie?ie fishpond at Kalepolepo late Saturday afternoon, carting the
mother and calf on improvised tarpaulin stretchers.
Veterinarians from Oahu were expected to arrive around 8 p.m. Saturday to
evaluate the animals and decide whether they were healthy enough for crews to
take them out to deep water for an attempted release, or if they should be
Mattila said the mother and calf appeared to be healthy. The calf appeared to be
?very young? and could not survive without its mother, he added.
A second mother-calf pair was reported sighted off Kealia Beach later Saturday
but the report could not be confirmed.
While pygmy sperm whales are rare, they have previously made appearances in
waters off Maui. They have false gills on the sides of their heads and have been
mistaken for sharks. An adult will grow up to 10 feet long and weigh 900 pounds.

A pygmy sperm whale previously beached on Maui in June 2003, and subsequently
died. A dead pygmy whale also washed ashore at Makena in 2002.
The mother-calf pair initially swam ashore on the beach at Kealia but they were
brought to the calm waters of the fishpond with the approval of veterinarians,
who were consulted by phone.
?We wanted to get them to a more stable situation than in the surf,? Mattila
Bystanders said the calf was the first to beach itself, around 3:30 p.m., and
the mother whale followed it to shore.
Later she headed back out to sea but swam aground again further down the beach,
near the Kihei Canoe Club hale.
Wildlife officials and volunteers brought the calf down the beach to its mother
to calm the animals.
With police, state wildlife officials, federal marine officials, biologists,
nonprofit ocean groups and volunteering bystanders crowding around, several
onlookers said the scene was chaotic.
Volunteers started carrying the whale up the beach to trucks, then moved it back
to the water on the advice of Oahu veterinarians.
?They?re trying as hard as they can, but nobody knows what to do,? said Glenna
Nyegaard of Tacoma, Wash., who was watching the action.
Matthew Lowry, a volunteer with the Coast Guard, was one of the group who
eventually carried the mother whale back up the beach to be transported to the
?Oh my God ? the thing probably weighs 1,000 pounds,? he said afterward.
He said he was off duty when he heard a call about the whale and came to help.
?I?ve never been that close to a whale before,? he said. ?It was an awesome
At least 22 pilot whales beach themselves on North Carolina's Outer Banks

MANTEO, N.C. Officials say 17 of at least 22 beached pilot whales in North
Carolina have died.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the whales stranded
themselves along a five mile stretch of the Outer Banks yesterday morning.

A spokeswoman says they suspect there are more than 30 stranded whales, but it
can't get an accurate count because of sea fluctuations.

Coast Guard crews, biologists and the National Park Service are helping in the
recovery effort.

It is not uncommon for pilot whales to beach themselves, but scientists do not
know why they do it.

Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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