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Friday, January 14, 2005


It came several days before Christmas, on December 22, and we sat on it for more than a week, bringing it to discernment. Did that take it beyond the first event it mentioned, did it outdate it? We speak here of what we are now calling the "2004 prophecy" -- the first detailed follow-up to a prophecy from the same source in 1990, a full 14 years before.
We give truck to the prophetic word here, in keeping with the admonitions of the New Testament, and this pre-Christmas prophecy started with the words, "There is going to be a major disruption in a region of the world that will affect everyone..."
Four days later, the world bore horrifying witness to the great Christmas tsunami that so far has cost more than 150,000 lives and for its display before the world media and for the breadth of its effects -- 11 nations! -- stands as the greatest natural event of our generation (so far).
This was clearly a graduation of events. A prophetic alarm had been rung.
But was it what the 2004 prophecy indicated?
While on the surface it seemed so -- and while the timing of the 2004 prophecy certainly indicated that there was some kind of connection -- the question remains of just what that connection was. While the Asian tsunami certainly qualified as a "major disruption," and while it occurred in a particular "region," affecting many, there is still the question of whether one could truly consider it as an event that affected "everyone" in the way that was meant.
It certainly shook people up. Even the most secular of the religious websites showed a strong number -- nearly fifty percent -- who thought that whether or not it was a "punishment," God had been involved, someway, in sending the disaster. In other surveys, the number was higher, and major clerics weighed in, making the connection between the tsunami and God's displeasure -- whether they were Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, or Buddhists.
At least for the moment, it was an extraordinary display of reversion to the beliefs of our forefathers that God speaks through natural events (that is, ancestors who predated the "Renaissance").
But did it "affect" everyone? Did it fill the prophecy's prediction of something that would have a global impact?
"Affect" means to have an influence on or cause a change in, to touch on the emotions, and it certainly did some (perhaps even a lot) of that.
But let's dig deeper: The 2004 prophecy [see entire text]  also said that, "the event to come will surprise everyone who has offered a prognostication, and will show even recalcitrant scientists, though not all, that there is a fundamental alarm in Heaven over their arrogant and wayward course."
Did the tsunami really "affect" scientists in such a manner? Did they begin to re-evaluate themselves?
Or is there something else on the way, something of greater alarm and magnitude?
We have to believe the latter, though we respect the discernment of all. Should it cause fear? Not at all. Everything that God does or allows is for our betterment, and through prayer, wars can be stopped and natural laws can be suspended. That is the value of prophecy -- which in our modern post-French Revolution times has been all but discarded.
We take the prophecy seriously because the previous one in 1990 was on the mark as related to the coming of cloning, regional chastisements, and September 11. Said the alleged new one, granted in anonymous fashion: "Nothing that is artificial in a way that disrupts what God intended will be allowed to stand. Heed this too: the politics of denial will be struck as with a plague. The smallest of what lives is precious in My sight. The angels have their instruction from east to west, and now a timetable has been set in motion."
That sounds like the tsunami was a part of a run of events, and the timing indicates that the Lord, if this is real, timed it when He did knowing that in the wake of the tsunami it would get more than the unusual attention.
But we also believe that something else -- or rather, a number of other things -- are on the way. The tsunami is coupled with the hurricanes and winds in Europe and weather in California, which are all leading up -- if you will forgive a prognostication -- to much more.
The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. ~ Arthur J. Balfour

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