From: []
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2005 5:06 PM
Subject: Letter to Geraldo cc: Hannity, Sustern, Dr. Michael Baden, R. Schindler
R. Schindler
Date: 1/9/2005 4:36:21 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Drk4The1 (David Kirkland)
To: (Geraldo Rivera), (Sean
Hannity), (Greta Sustern), xxx,, xxx
David R. Kirkland
461 - 30th Avenue North
St. Petersburg, Florida
727-898-5511; 5004fax
Dear Geraldo Rivera: January, 09, 2005
cc: Sean Hannity, Greta Sustern, Dr. Michael Baden, R. Schindler
First, I want to personally thank you for accurately reporting in 2003 about the plight and fight of Terri Marie Schiavo to live, to be allowed to live, and to be free from extermination.
I have always thought of you as a person who is very compassionate about what you choose to bring into the public eye, eccentric at times, but hey, it works. Stay just the way you are except for one thing. Finish the job to which you do not realize YOU were called and sent to complete.
Expose the corruption behind these now 6.5 years of unbelievable efforts to somehow, make her dead; all while denying (the criminal part) her any rehabilitations which the JURY awarded HER specifically for rehabilitation for the rest of her life. No provision was in the jury order that allowed anyone to quit on her, disobey law, or use HER MONEY for anything else but rehabilitation therapies and residence.
Secondly, your website [ ] is putting up a "DB: error message" whenever I try to send this letter to you below, upon clicking the "submit" button. FYI
Here is my letter to you, Geraldo. May God Bless your and guide you back to that which he has Called you to still do.
Dear Geraldo: [jan09,2005] I thought your reporting on the Terri Schindler-Schiavo "situation" was right on the mark. Efforts by your journalist colleagues continue to helped the record. Sean Hannity has tried for long stretches to pop and hammer the truth out, and Larry King did more than he may know to get Michael [publicly deposed] through lies on camera that were transcribed.
On Greta Sustern, Dr. Michael Baden's attempt to bring the need for criminal investigations to the evidence that indicates assault and battery beaten/attempted murder has been met by corruptly (documented) and criminally blockade by all levels of law enforcement and public officials (documented).
Your "public court" episode with Darden and Dershwitz was on the mark -- there is no clear and convincing reason to exterminate this self-aware, cognitive disabled woman, other than one. It's to hide lots of evidence and to set the final legal precedent nationwide to force [by Judicial violation of separations and corruption] a way of life (sic) upon us all known as Legal Civil Euthanasia -- the new legal genocide -- which is the new millenniums CLEANSICIDE and appears to violate 18USC1091 the [Proxmire Act].
The efforts of you and your colleagues have all been consistently "handled" by an under radar, insulated monster that has been quietly exposing itself, because it does not think we have brains. They [it] thinks that everyone but them are brain-dead, useless eaters, radical meddlers and powerless to resist.
Please help this supporter group bring the evidence that we have uncovered [right in Terri's guardianship public files and elsewhere] to full transparency which proves premeditated murder plot by at least two attorneys and the Judge, using the estranged adulterous husband [willingly] to further the agenda of the World Federation of Right-to-Die Societies by their intentional deathmaking of the "chosen" Sacrificial Lamb -- Terri Marie Schindler-Schiavo.
I and others have been pushing every government intake point in documented volleys that has resulted in criminal violations by their obstruction to statutorily mandated action to protect this and other persons from abuse, neglect and exploitation as elderly and disabled persons. This criminal activity and lack of action to protect and afford her all of her legal rights and privileges is causing her further injury 24/7 every day.
The latest is the intentional cruel and tortuous daily practice of keeping all sunlight out of her room by drawn drapes, lights out and door shut. No sound stimulations in her room, or aloud to make her ears from outside her room. During Christmas, carolers who came to the Hospice deathmaking camp she is Caged [illegally] within, were routed far away from her room by the staff and by the standing orders of her husband and attorneys complicit acceptance of "nothing that can be even remotely considered to be therapy of any kind". The attorneys by participating and not stopping him violate scores of criminal laws.
The Judiciary and law enforcement in Pinellas County and the State have hijacked every Legislative mandate protection protocol for our elderly and Disabled generally, but do prosecute a token few just to create news stories to dupe thirsty readers that all is well. Several of the Judges spouses work at major newspaper and television outlets in our area. The FIX is on to make Legal Deathmaking for us all.
David Kirkland
461 - 30th Avenue North
St. Petersburg, Florida
727-898-5511; 5004fax
PS: I have known the Schindler family now 4 years, since I was "divinely called" to drop my life for Terri's fight, and was told by inside forces that my services to HIM were REQUIRED and that if I ever saw or found deception on the part of the Schindler's that I was to "walk on". That has not happened.
This is the biggest case of corruption and premeditated murder plot to further a detrimental social destruction agenda for all time. OJ pales. Nuremburg comes to mind. The Feloser brags that "ten thousand people in Florida have been "allowed" to die by intentional starvation, as if, what's the big deal. The big deal is that these people were CAUSED to die, not allowed to die. That is Murder.
This Schindler (parallels T-4) family was picked to be rung through the ringer. The Merchants of Death and Deathmaking did not count on their or the publics resolve.
Please, I beseech you. Contact me/us for calculated ways to turn this Euthanasia train on its roof.
Request my most recent article/letter to Governor Jeb Bush.
Another person was selling a minicddisk on that had been returned 'undelivered' to government officials containing documents that prove the cover-ups and conspiracy . It was pulled after 12 days for some very lame excuses on the part of EBay. Juan Schoch was attempting to raise a Million Dollars for a Trust Fund to provide the stolen rehabilitation funds for Terri and a legal war chest to churn up the legal fight for her freedom from these criminals. He also wanted to contribute to a foundation started with other Terri Supporters to bring awareness to people in all US Territories and States on how these deathmakers are operating in their own neighborhoods, and to create a network of ProLife doctors and attorneys to fight for disabled and elderly protection from being made dead, and for helping people to live their lives the best they are able.
And fills the hungry soul with goodness" (Psalm 107:9).
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