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Monday, January 17, 2005

Minnesota Town Hits 54 Below Zero

Brrrrr.... It's cold even down here in Cutler Ridge, Florida. It's 54 ABOVE
zero here.. at least it was before the sun went down. Probably colder now.


From: BJ
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 3:02 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Minnesota

Lordy this even reads cold.....Bj

Minnesota Town Hits 54 Below Zero

AP Photo NY1

By The Associated Press

Temperatures plummeted across the eastern half of the nation Monday,
approaching an all-time record in northern Minnesota and freezing the Gulf
Coast as a river of Arctic air pushed southward.

Thermometers registered a low of 54 degrees below zero at Embarrass, Minn.

``You keep living, but it gets old after a while,'' said Christine Mackai,
the town clerk for the community of 691 people in northeast Minnesota.

Minnesota's record is 60 below, set on Feb. 2, 1996, in Tower, about 10
miles north of Embarrass.

The cold at Embarrass didn't stop the regular customers from getting their
morning coffee at Four Corners, a cafe and gas station.

``Everybody left their cars running,'' waitress Trish Roggenbuck said. ``It
was pretty much breathtaking when you walked outside.''

While below-zero readings stayed in the upper Midwest, thermometers dropped
below the freezing mark all the way to the Gulf of Mexico coast.

The morning low was 28, with wind chills in the upper teens, at Mobile,
Ala., Gulfport-Biloxi, Miss., and Pensacola, Fla. A hard freeze warning was
in effect overnight into Tuesday morning for parts of Mississippi, the
weather service said.

Mackai said Embarrass had been prepared for bitter cold as early as last
Thursday. ``It only got down to 28 below, and that's nothing. That's no big
deal,'' she said.

Elsewhere in northern Minnesota on Monday, Babbitt chilled to 51 below, and
International Falls - which calls itself the Nation's Icebox - dropped to 44
below, the national Weather Service said. Farther south, Minneapolis-St.
Paul bottomed out at a mere 11 below.

The arctic blast followed several days of subzero temperatures. Weather
service meteorologist Greg Frosig in Duluth said Monday's high would still
be below zero in northern Minnesota.

On the Net:

National Weather Service:

Current Temperatures-Ohio State University:

01/17/05 14:13

The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent,
tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a
father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you;
to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. ~ Arthur J. Balfour

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