Thanks to Daniel Schlather for this!SUNDAY, JULY 4, 2010Earth crustal changes continue, Malaysia chasm opens in highwayI've been looking into the pattern of crustal collapses lately that evidence themselves in sinkholes, chasms, and explosions. I reported on them May 25 here, May 31 here, June 10 here, June 13here, including the famous Guatemala sinkhole and the fear-inducing spate in China. For end time connections, I like to work from the firmly known and described from the Tribulation, and work backwards. I proposed the theory that the floods, quakes, volcanic action around the world was a precursor to the shifts in earth's crust that will later, during the tribulation, be catastrophic. "Lucky escape: No one was killed, although this truck was overturned by the force of the collapse." Another report stated "Most motorists were simply bemused at the sight, taking photos of the geological menace – but the fact the road collapsed in the middle of the night caused trouble for others. June tends to be the wettest time for this part of the country, with the southwest monsoon dumping nearly a fifth of the annual rainfall during the month. But since no one has yet come up with a definitive explanation as to the appearance of the hole, officials continue to look into it." It's interesting to think that the road "mysteriously" cracked, and that "officials have no explanation." These kind of words are repeatedly and often in news stories these days about why the ground is simply not solid anymore beneath our feet. The red mud bubbling up from underneath a Chinese thoroughfare puzzled officials too, as well as the road that cracked unexpectedly from which the bubbling mud oozed. New first-ever airborne radar images of the deformation in Earth's surface caused by a major earthquake show that in the April 2010 Calexico 7.2 mag quake just south of San Diego, the earth moved substantially, in some places 2 1/2 feet, it shifted 6-10 feet in Mexico. The quake broke San Diego's Crust and at Mexico's border, and the new space imaging shows where Earth's crust shifted 10 feet. As this age comes to a close, major shifts of all kinds, not just earth crustal shifts, are evident. These changes will become worse as time goes on, until the full-fledged Great Tribulation begins and nothing is the same. For now, though, the shifts may seem distant and unconnected, but they are as bright as neon for the aware Christian watchmen, because "you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober." (1 Thess. 5:4-6) __________________________________________________________________ Easily grow your own vegetables anywhere . Click here: Easy Victory Garden |
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Malaysia Chasm in highway, Earth's Crustal Changes Continue
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HT to pc for sending the Malaysia photo. Thank you!
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