Plate Movements Patterns
This is my understanding of what will move and why, based on reading ZetaTalk material steps include: 1- Indo-Australian plate adjustment. brake in the plates, holding all other significant movement, gives way, allowing other adjustments to start. India west tilting, east rising a bit. 2- tongue of Eurasian plate hosting Indonesia breaks off, subducting under Indo-Australian. some islands in Indonesia sinking along with their plate. Japan has major quakes (9+) 3- Africa rolls east. Africa rolls into the void created in Indian ocean where India tipped down 4- disrupting seafloor in Mediterranean. 5- turning Arabian plate in place, opening Middle East oil wells, set afire tearing African Rift 6- South America rolling west rolling African plate pushes S.America in the opposite direction - S.America roll 7- crumble at Caribbean edge of Caribbean plate is pushed down some islands sinking along with their plate 8- New Madrid rip rolling S.America pushes lower portion of North America west tearing the continent at the diagonal, from St.Lawrence seaway to Texas and Mexico West Coast adjustment following closely with some volcanoes erupting Eastern US is pulled southeast crushing the small Caribbean plate stuck in between two large plates 9- Atlantic stretch in step with N.America rip void is created in Atlantic floor, sides of the rift pulled in opposite directions creating a tsunami for Westerm Europe ---------------------------------- this graphic was made using simple Paint editor, XnView and following images: Comment
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