According to the Wall Street Journal, an Iraqi military official has confirmed that ISIS has been making use of a chemistry lab in Iraq’s University of Mosul to test and build deadlier bombs. The Islamic State has controlled the lab for two years.
The concern is ISIS soon could get its hands on the materials necessary to build and deploy a radioactive dirty bomb.
They may be planning to use drones, not only for nukes, but for biological terrorism - chemical warfare. Shoot one down and you risk setting it off.
“The University of Mosul is the best Daesh research center in the world,” Gen. Hatem Magsosi, Iraq’s top explosives officer, told the Wall Street Journal. The terrorists used the lab to produce chemical weapons, peroxide-based bombs and suicide vests similar to the the ones used by the attackers in Belgium and Paris, military officials said.
– DennisMichaelLynch.comIslamic State has been using a well-stocked university chemistry lab in Mosul, Iraq, for the past year to concoct a new generation of explosive devices and train militants to make them, according to U.S. and Iraqi military officials and two people familiar with the university.
Photos obtained by Middle East Review of International Affairs show Kurdish casualties with the telltale signs of chemical weapons poisoning, says a new report. (MERIA) |
Doctors Confirm ISIS Use of Chemical Weapon in Kobanê |

How to (Make Chemical Weapons) Disappear Completely
GMU Biodefense MS student, Greg Mercer, is at it again! In this week’s commentary he’s discussing how chemical weapons are actually destroyed. Incineration and neutralization are the two most common practices employed by the US and Greg is breaking each technique down. Unfortunately, these methods aren’t always perfect and can easily result in human and environmental damage. “Chemical weapons weren’t always disposed of so carefully, though. The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) cites at least 74 instances of the U.S. dumping chemical weapons at sea from 1918 to 1970.”
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