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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Obama getting ready to release secret pages from the 9/11 inquiry

Daniel Hopsicker’s madcow channel covered this info in great details over 12 years ago, but his long running and well documented site appears to have been obliterated from the Internet. 

So, save this video or it will be obliterated too~

This video itself is over four years old. Get it while you can. There are constant attacks on videos with this information.

Remember That “Special” Flight out of Tampa Filled with Saudis Just After 9/11 When No One Else in the US Was Permitted to Fly?

The White House is getting ready to release secret pages from the 9/11 inquiry.
Associated Press
April 24, 2016

White House poised to release secret pages from 9/11 inquiryBob Graham speaks in Gainesville, Fla

The Obama administration will likely soon release at least part of a 28-page secret chapter from a congressional inquiry into 9/11 that may shed light on possible Saudi connections to the attackers. 

Graham and others say the documents point suspicion at the Saudis. Graham says an Obama administration official told him that intelligence officials will decide in the next several weeks whether to release at least parts of the documents, a disclosure that comes at a time of strained U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia, a long-time American ally.

The documents, kept in a secure room in the basement of the Capitol, contain information from the joint congressional inquiry into "specific sources of foreign support for some of the Sept. 11 hijackers while they were in the United States."
Bob Graham, who was co-chairman of that bipartisan panel, and others say the documents point suspicion at the Saudis. The former Democratic senator from Florida says an administration official told him that intelligence officials will decide in the next several weeks whether to release at least parts of the documents. The disclosure would come at a time of strained U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia, a long-time American ally.
"I hope that decision is to honor the American people and make it available," Graham told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday. "The most important unanswered question of 9/11 is, did these 19 people conduct this very sophisticated plot alone, or were they supported?"

Contributing sources—911-and-the-saudis.html#sthash.QhQO12Ci.dpuf

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