Above posted in Facebook January 14, 2013
JT: OK.............This just IM'd to me. This person has military connections............and
Excerpts from the Comments ~
JT: Yes, but the real deal is..........we have an accumulation of evidence of these incoming rocks, as well as FEMA already up and running there.and nasa's red X, back when. We have to take these seriously.
SL: Did you read the Yahoo article? It almost seems like an article with no real point. Do you think it was a warning but not meant to be interpreted that way by everyone? Very odd article on Yahoo. Almost like rambling if you ask me.
Yesterday at 11:35am ·
JT: Yes, but the real deal is..........we have an accumulation of evidence of these incoming rocks, as well as FEMA already up and running there.and nasa's red X, back when. We have to take these seriously.
Yesterday at 11:39am
SL: I agree. Too many weird things going on right now. I think we are very close to showtime.
Yesterday at 11:40am
DB: WTH!! Seriously? Where did this come from?
23 hours ago
JT: My friend, who has family in the navy. they were sent this this morning.........
23 hours ago ·
JT: It came privately with a POST THIS,JT! message...........so I did.
23 hours ago
DB: WOW, thank you for sharing, I shared as well
23 hours ago
JT: They have expected debris a loooooong time. Think back 2 years ago..........They know.
23 hours ago
RCP: I'm serious about this, when that happens, hit the dirt and keep your mouth open, otherwise the pressure will cause you to implode!
21 hours ago
BR: Wow vey nice post and makes complete sense I have envisioned exactly what this says b4.
19 hours ago via mobile ·
BR: http://youtu.be/IjlEAtlt4Pk
18 hours ago
RT: fascinating link, BR, thank you!
16 hours ago ·
Dee Rohe http://globalrumblings.blogspot.com/.../dangerous-uptick...

Global Rumblings: DANGEROUS Uptick-Global...globalrumblings.blogspot.com
16 minutes ago

Dee: FIREBALLS coming!http://beforeitsnews.com/.../dangerous-uptick-global...

DANGEROUS Uptick-Global Disasters-Fireballs, Volcanoes,Earthquakes,Fukushima- | Alternativebeforeitsnews.com
13 minutes ago ·

9 minutes ago ·
"Drop And Cover If You See A Bright Flash," Doctors Urge
Excerpt from the Yahoo News article ~
During the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor explosion, a fourth-grade teacher in Chelyabinsk, Yulia Karbysheva, saved 44 children from potentially life-threatening window glass cuts by ordering them to hide under their desks when she saw the flash. Ms. Karbysheva, who remained standing, was seriously lacerated when the explosion's blast wave arrived and windows shattered. A tendon in her arm was severed, but not one of her students suffered a cut.
"Large meteor strikes are sufficiently probable that both the U.S. and Russia are working on ways to divert them. In 1908 a meteor strike flattened 800 square miles of Siberian forest," stated president Jane M. Orient, M.D.
Physicians for Civil Defense distributes information to help to save lives in the event of disaster.
Bright flash across the area Sunday evening
Providence, RI
Fireballs: Over 1,400 reports In 48 hours From Coast To Coast; Booms; Ground Shaking, House Shaking Explosions (Video) | Alternative
Multiple Fireballs: Over 1,400 reports In 48 hours From Coast To Coast; Booms; Ground Shaking, House Shaking Explosions (Video) | Alternative: "Multiple Fireballs: Over 1,400 reports In 48 hours From Coast To Coast; Booms; Ground Shaking, House Shaking Explosions as of January 2, 2014.
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