A news helicopter from KCRA-TV channel 3 in Sacramento, CA has caught on video, a large
and previously unknown rogue planet.
TRN has obtained the video from the helicopter and from the newscast where the news anchors
speculate about what they joked was a "celestial rock." The object was so massive, it partially
eclipsed what appears to be the planet Venus, meaning the object is
approaching us from the area of the sun and has now arrived
at a point BETWEEN earth and Venus.
It appears this is a rogue planet and it is on course for earth.
If so, the gravitational effects of that rogue planet will wreak absolute havoc upon earth: Weather anomalies, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, changing ocean tides and more. Take a look at the video and decide for yourself.
Planet X and the Pole-Shift Emblazoned on an Ancient Mayan Tablet
This image clearly shows three heavenly bodies:
Earth at right-middle with an atmosphere indicated, a typical placement of the Sun, upper-middle and an obvious very energetic heavenly body, left-middle. |
Julie K.
Owner/President at Advanced Survival Technology, LLC
Top Contributor
Everyone, I CAN confirm this viewing/video provided above is legitimate and those in higher establishments are well aware of this information, although they will not tell us this. This may be why we are hearing so much of large pending earthquakes (West Coast and New Madrid have been most common discussions - although this could be well expanded - Tsunami preparations, the "light" from the most recent and close Supernova, G2 Cloud and Sgr A, the increased quantity of recently discovered NEOs (that we are being told about), and much more).
Updates will be posted as we have more clarified information and sources to offer. If anyone has further information on this they wish to share, please do so.
Please know friends, that we must NOT have FEAR - we need to stay properly informed and positively connected through all we do. We will always create and manifest our own destinies. Do not have fear and (do)trust your intuition. Namaste!
This apparent rogue planet can clearly be seen in the Eastern Sky in the midwest as well as in CA where this information came from. It has a clear rounded shape and is larger than Venus, in fact it is the only lit object in the sky along with moon at Sunrise. Here are a few additional articles that were found that could potentially be what we are now seeing, if it is a rogue planet, then there is a high probability it is making its way inbound to Earth due to gravitational fields from both ends (these articles are from the last year, and that time this object was deemed approx 80 LY from Earth...(there was an article 3 days ago from CBS News, which has now been removed)
Rogue planet spied floating in space without a star
Alien orphan: Rogue planet found floating without star - (If you span down on this page, you will see a number of articles from different sources on this rogue planet)...
On August 27, 2013, then-Secretary of Homeland Security,
Janet Napolitano was retiring and gave a farewell speech
in which she mentioned that her successor would face
". . . a natural disaster, the impact of which will dwarf
Hurricane Sandy and other disasters in recent memory."
Departing DHS secretary warns of 'serious'
cyber-threat, devastating natural disaster
Published time: August 28, 2013 03:54 Edited time: August 28, 2013 06:19
US Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (AFP Photo / Saul Loeb)
Many wondered what she meant; now we know:
On Friday, January 24, 2014, station KCRA-TV channel 3 in
Sacramento, CA aired live helicopter video of a planet-sized
object in the sky that was NOT earth's moon.
It was visible just before sunrise, to those in California
looking to the east, northeast.
Whether a collision with earth will happen or not, we do not
know. What we do know is that even if this rogue planet
does not hit earth, its gravity will severely disturb other
celestial bodies for millions of miles in all directions, the
sam way planets like Saturn and Jupiter affect earth and
other planets in our solar system, acting as a counter-balance
to the sun's gravity and thus keeping our orbit stable.
This new Rogue planet will disturb all of that balance.
In fact, it seems this already began as early as 2011 when astronomers noticed a " Anomalous Secular Eccentricity of the Moon." In layman's terms, they noticed the moon had tilted dramatically from its "normal" appearance. During human memory, the Moon has appeared to be in lock step with Earth, steadily revealing only one pose of itself. Then in 2011 and 2012 it started shifting. Take a look at these photos of the Moon taken from Earth. Notice how the pair of dark circular craters changed position. These photos were posted by the ABC-TV affiliate KCRG in Iowa on January 16, 2012.
The next photos are by Daniel J. Towsey a Canadian who’s been closely watching the Moon. He apparently wants
more people to know about the Moon shifting because he encourages people to share his photos.
arrows point to the Tycho Crater and help show how much the Moon shifted in 2013:
2013 FULL MOONS: January – March - June - October
Since our moon is a much smaller celestial body than earth, it would make sense that gravity from a
rogue planet would affect our moon far in advance of affecting earth.
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