Been trying to fix the pics.. they may be blocked, ????? or too much bandwidth from the source????
It is extremely rare for pictures to not show up in the blog.. Can't remember the last time it happened. They posted just great at first and were on the page for awhile.. maybe 30 mins or so!
Will update again if and when these show up.
------------------------------------------------- Update: Feb. 3, 2014 The missing pictures are still on my contributing sources. |
Dr. Kaplan videotaped his work inside the McDonald Observatory and TRN s has that video for you to see.
This is developing story. More will be added to this story as the evening progresses. Check back often.
Updated Feb. 1, 2014
In the meantime, as of January 26, 2014 at 10:00 PM Central US Time, the coordinates for you to see this inbound planet are:
Right Ascension: 04 hrs. 08 Min. 08 Sec.
Declination: 60 degrees 56 arc min. 43 arc sec.
Moving toward earth a 200 Kps
Declination: 60 degrees 56 arc min. 43 arc sec.
Moving toward earth a 200 Kps
Updated material Feb. 1, 2014:
THE VIDEO (UPDATE 1-31-2014 -- the original video author has made a Copyright Claim. TRN has made a "Fair Use" Counter-Claim)
The original author of the video, pictured below, turned out to be a Graduate Student (Not a Professor) named Kyle Kaplan at the University of Texas at Austin, Astronomy Program. His contact information is made publicly available on the University's Observatory web site HERE.
Blogger Note: Even amateurs have made important discoveries..I.E. the recent comet discoveries, coordinates of which could not be denied by NASA.
The video he made was confirmed as having been shot inside the McDonald Observatory in Texas. The telescope shown in the video is the exact same one which appears on the web site of the McDonald Observatory (link in top paragraph).
According to TRN sources, Dr. Kaplan was grabbed-up at the observatory by authorities for what he was doing and forced under duress to make another video retracting this material, allegedly because it was a "joke."
would want it retracted and why? Well, if people think they're doomed, they may stop paying their taxes and their bills; there may be widespread panic and a breakdown of social order to the point of chaos. The powers that be can't have any of THAT, can they?
Despite his retraction, the video below was still sent to us for publication. Further, despite the retraction, no one can argue the Observatory's telescope was, in fact, pointed at (and LIVE tracking) the coordinates shown above. The Observatory's own targeting and tracking computer SHOWS that fact in the video! If there's nothing there, why was the observatory looking at it and tracking it? (an inconvenient truth.) Here's a screen shot of the tracking computer close-up, showing the day, date and time as well as, in yellow highlights, the actual planet coordinates: (Click Image twice to enlarge)
Further, this graduate student, by his own admission in the video, claims to have "hacked" into the NASA Goddard Space Flight Computers to get the "Closely guarded secret" of this planet's coordinates. Publicly admitting to hacking government computers, which may have been a crime, is newsworthy.
Such conduct by a Graduate Student using multimillion dollar facilities to intentionally alert the public about a "danger" to the planet, then claim it was a "joke" is also newsworthy. As such, TRN made use of the video, only in part, for non-profit news purposes, which falls under the Fair Use Exemption of US Copyright Law 17 USC 107.
The speed 200 Kilometers-per-second converts to about 124 miles per second, which converts to 7440 miles per minute, which converts to 446,400 miles per hour. This further converts to 10,713,600 miles per DAY.
Dr. Kaplan was NOT precise as to exactly what DAY in August, this planet would be closest to earth. So today being January 30, 2014, and using today as the start date, the number of days from today until August 1 is 182.
At a speed of 10,713,600 miles per DAY, the estimated distance of this planet from earth as of right now is one-billion, nine-hundred forty-nine million, eight-hundred seventy-five thousand, two-hundred miles. (1,949,875,200 miles)
Lest you think such speeds are absurd, consider this from
As passengers on Earth we are all carried around the sun at a mean velocity of 66,600 mph. Add to that dizzying notion the fact that we are spinning (at the equator) at a 1,000 miles-per-hour (an action that causes the planet to bulge outward).
And from Slideshare:
According to SPACE.COM the Earth is 92,955,807 miles from the sun. Certainly the sun's gravity affects Earth; it keeps us in orbit! Moreover, consider the reality of gravity's power by realizing the sun's gravity not only keeps Earth in its orbit, it does the same for all the other planets, including the massive planet Jupiter and even the tiny, far-more-distant Pluto.
According to UNIVERSETODAY.COM, Jupiter’s semi-major axis is 483.78 million miles from the Sun. Like every other planet in our Solar System, Jupiter’s orbit is elliptical. When Jupiter is at perihelion (closest approach) it is only 460,237,112 miles, but when it is at aphelion (most distant) it is 507,040,015 miles from the Sun. Average the two and you get Jupiter’s semi-major axis. Jupiter is about 5.2 times farther from the Sun than Earth is. Since one AU is equal to the average distance from Earth to the Sun, that translates into Jupiter being 5.2 AU from the Sun, yet the sun's gravity keeps Jupiter in its orbit. The picture below from NASA compares Earth to Jupiter and shows how massive it is compared to us; yet the sun's gravity controls Jupiter from 483 Million miles away!
Contributing sources:
Also see:
ROGUE PLANET Inbound BETWEEN Earth and Venus?
Friends, this is a developing story and we will update as we have more information from our sources -
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Ping your blogAnd Chomp it
It's a hoax, read up before you post. He made it as a joke for his friends.