On Barack Obama’s most recent trip to Israel back in 2008, the following video footage was taken and captured on this brief video clip recently.
The original footage can be seen in the video below discussing Obama’s upcoming trip to Israel, You can see that this original shot has not been altered.
The segment captured below occurs at the 36 second mark of the second video. This video is getting a lot of view on You-tube and elsewhere on the internet with comments coming in expressing shock, amazement and denial.
He’s a shape-shifter and the camera caught him red-handed. He does look human, and we can see human ears and a face.
But from the angle of the shot made by Jewish News One, it looks like he shape-shifted and his human face was just gone. There’s no (edited) way that physical transformation could have been an image glitch.
By the way:

Original Video Footage:
Back in 2010 Barack Obama does a guest appearance on "The View", and out of no where he started speaking of the reptilian parts of our brain.
Reptilians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reptilians (also called reptoids, reptiloids, or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction, as well as modern ...
List of reptilian humanoids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lemurians, reptilian humanoids in the writings of Helena Blavatsky; ... an alien race ofreptilian shapeshifters; Slither, a snakelike mutant and ally of Magneto;
Wikipedia - Artists Conception |
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UFO Blogger
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NASA knows some things. 2012 Survival Guide
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