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Friday, February 15, 2013

1,000 Injured by Meteorite Space Debris-Russia

Friday, February 15, 2013

Asteroid 2012 DA14 Brushes by Earth

An asteroid is making the closest known fly-by for a rock of its size today, just hours after acd to Earth in Russia, with nearly a thousand people injured by space debris in an event unprecedented in modern times. Scientists insist the events are purely coincidental...

18.48 Turns out the asteroid may be more affected by us than we are by it. (Good). Richard Binzel, a professor of planetary science at MIT, has suggested that many of these near-Earth asteroids experience a "seismic jolt" when they pass too close to the planet's gravitational field:

We are going to be looking closely for evidence of seismic activity on 2012 DA14 as it passes by... This is the first case of an object coming close enough to experience quakes AND where we have enough notice to plan observations.

18.36 Wait!   CBS News has found the one expert who claims that the meteorite in fact *could* be related to the asteroid. Michio Kaku, a physics professor at the City University of New York, says that even though space agencies have not seen any direct relationship between the two (cough), "asteroids occur in swarms" and so it is "very possible that there's a swarm of asteroids around DA14".

He also reprises our friend Rusty's comment from earlier: "The Earth is moving in a cosmic shooting gallery".

1000 Injured,Asteroid 2012, biblical prophecy, breaking news, cosmic, crashed, DA14, earth changes, earthquakes, end times, fly-by, meteorite, Michio Kaku, NEO, prophecy, Russia, seismic,Space Debris, 

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