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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bug Drones

And Bird Drones!

Next time you "think" you see a "bird" on your telephone line, better look closely! 
US Air Force - MAV's

Make sure you take the time to watch the video, and then feel free to freak out at the possibilities. However, these insect drones are not part of Homeland Security's "loan-a-drone" program and the MAVs are not supposed to be deployed against Americans. And if it helps, the video is about 3 years old.

MAVs: Bumblebee-sized surveillance swarms and assassin drones
Now, imagine those bug-sized spies working in a swarm, each with a specific surveillance mission. Precisely as a bumblebee can sting a person, these tiny bumblebee-sized drones can "attack" and "sting" the target, surely making them the world's smallest assassins. The video said these MAVs could be airdropped or hand-launched. Because of the tiny size, they can "hide" in plain sight. They may be used in missions that last weeks, meaning they would need to "harvest energy" from sunlight, wind, vibrating machinery, or even re-energize off of power lines.

Black Hornet Nano drones
British soldiers in Afghanistan launching Black Hornet Nano UAV to find enemy caches and disturb insurgent supply chains
 Image credit: Ministry of Defence

Let's jump back in with what's going on in UK drone development. The Brits are also using tiny surveillance drones, 4 inch by 1 inch and weighing .6 ounces, about the size of a pair of sunglasses, each complete with a tiny camera to relay video and photos. Among its many capabilities, the "Black Hornet Nano" drone can "hover and stare," can "look behind, between and below obstacles," and can obtain a "bird's eye view for situational awareness."

Insect Assassin Drones
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