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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Occupy Communism Day

Does the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) - the organization that gave $28 million to Barack Obama's Presidential campaign - support communism?
Apparently so, for on May 1 - the day known as the traditional International Workers' Day - thousands of union members, communists, anarchists, socialists and radicals supporting everything from open borders and amnesty to gay rights, marched in Los Angeles.

But SEIU activists not only helped or
ganize and participate in the rally, they marched carrying communist flags and banners.  A post at Pajamas Media notes, "...union members carried communist flags, communists carried union signs, and altogether there was no real way to tell the two apart."

A photo essay of the event at Ringo's Pictures shows that while American flags were available, most were not buying them, preferring flags of other countries and the bright red communist banner.
Those who participated were unabashed in their support for communism.  One picture shows an activist carrying a homemade sign reading "Fight for Communism," while another reads "Smash Capitalism."  Another picture shows a sign that reads "Mobilize the masses for Communism."
One homemade banner has a depiction of the devil emblazoned with "Tea Party," "Arpaio," and "Republican Party."  The sign says "This is our worst enemy." 
Open borders groups, including the militant Brown Barets in full paramilitary garb, were in attendance.  There was also a large contingent of gay rights activists shouting, "We are the QUEERS! The mighty, mighty QUEERS!"

Call for May Day Offensive Reveals Communist Direction of Occupy ...
Communist organizers for the Occupy Wall Street movement, including Bill Ayers and Tom Hayden, are planning a major May Day general strike. by William F. Jasper

May Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In this connection, in works of art, school skits, and so ... While it has lost many of its
communist associations, it ... May Day was abolished and its celebration banned by ...

The History of May Day - Marxists Internet Archive
The same convention voted for independent political action in connection with ... theCommunist Manifesto in 1848, carries on the traditions of May Day, and the Communist ...

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