Blackpool rocks as 2.2 magnitude earthquake leaves (rather small) cracks in roads
The small tremor hit the Fylde coast area at about 3.30am, and Lancashire Police received 'numerous' calls about properties shaking, a spokesman said.
The earthquake's force knocked over traffic lights, cracked a railway bridge and left some residents believing they were being broken into.
Cracks: The size 2.2 magnitude earthquake caused minor damage, including a spilt in Lytham Road
Local residents reported wardrobe doors being flung open and staff at Blackpool’s Bonny Street police station reported that they could feel the building shaking.

The British Geological Survey recorded the Blackpool earthquake with a magnitude of 2.2 on the Richter scale and the epicentre was located between Carelton and Poulton Industrial Estate.
Police were sent to Lytham Road in South Shore having been told that cracks - which had been there some time, according to Blackpool council - had begun widened in the railway bridge.
A Bispham resident called the police to report that his motorbike had toppled over while temporary traffic lights at Thornton Gate had fallen down.
A spokesman for Blackpool Police told the Blackpool Gazette: 'We started to get calls at around 3.35am.
'Some may have thought it was an April Fool prank, but staff here felt the building move.
'We had a number of calls from residents. A woman in Grange Park rang up as she had been woken and thought her house was being broken into.
When the Earth Trembles: An Engineer Looks at Earthquakes from a Christian Perspective
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The Bible Code
Apocalypse: Earthquakes, Archaeology, and the Wrath of God
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PANORAMA OF PROPHECY: Wars, Famines, Desolation, Pestilences and Earthquakes
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An essay upon the eleventh chapter of the revelation of St. John; in which is shewn that the words "And in the same hour was there a great earthquake, ... to Jerusalem, and not to Rome or France
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