What is bigger than Apophis and will arrive on November 8, 2011?
And no one is talking much about it. September 30th, 2009
This asteroid, first discovered in December of 2005, remains mostly a mystery. Even its size is a guess. What’s not a guess is when it will arrive again in the vicinity of earth.
The object was monitored a total of 42 times between December 28th 2005 and January 23rd of 2006. Since then, this object has been speeding along its orbit around the sun, out of sight. The next opportunity to view this asteroid will come in less than a year, on April 19th of 2010. It will pass, according to estimates somewhere between the earth and the moon. The distance for the April, 2010 encounter is estimated at around 150,000 miles.
The estimate for the November 8, 2011 visit is guessed at around 95,000 miles. That close, but it doesn’t sound too close, it will probably just fly right by, no problem for us. But wait a minute, before you get too comfortable, these estimates are based on a very short observation period and in fact, these numbers are just estimates, educated guesses at best.
Well, NOW They're Talking:
Uploaded by JCVdude on Apr 16, 2011
DOOMSDAY? Probably not. just a close fly by...Near-Earth asteroid 2005 YU55 will pass within 0.85 lunar distances from the Earth on November 8, 2011
But there is an impact event approaching...An impact event is the collision of a large meteorite, asteroid, comet, or other celestial object with the Earth or another planet. Throughout recorded history, hundreds of minor impact events (and exploding bolides) have been reported, with some occurrences causing deaths, injuries, property damage or other significant localised consequences. An impact event in an ocean or sea may create a tsunami, which can cause destruction both at sea and on land along the coast.
Earth has gone through periods of abrupt and catastrophic change, some due to the impact of large asteroids and comets on the planet. A few of these impacts may have caused massive climate change and the extinction of large numbers of plant and animal species.
The most significant recorded impact in recent times was the Tunguska event, which occurred in Siberia, Russia, in 1908. This incident involved an explosion that was probably caused by the airburst of an asteroid or comet 5 to 10 km (3.1 to 6.2 mi) above the Earth's surface, felling an estimated 80 million trees over 2,150 km2 (830 sq mi).
But there is an impact event approaching...An impact event is the collision of a large meteorite, asteroid, comet, or other celestial object with the Earth or another planet. Throughout recorded history, hundreds of minor impact events (and exploding bolides) have been reported, with some occurrences causing deaths, injuries, property damage or other significant localised consequences. An impact event in an ocean or sea may create a tsunami, which can cause destruction both at sea and on land along the coast.
Earth has gone through periods of abrupt and catastrophic change, some due to the impact of large asteroids and comets on the planet. A few of these impacts may have caused massive climate change and the extinction of large numbers of plant and animal species.
The most significant recorded impact in recent times was the Tunguska event, which occurred in Siberia, Russia, in 1908. This incident involved an explosion that was probably caused by the airburst of an asteroid or comet 5 to 10 km (3.1 to 6.2 mi) above the Earth's surface, felling an estimated 80 million trees over 2,150 km2 (830 sq mi).
Discovered December 28, 2005 by Robert McMillan of the Spacewatch Program near Tucson Arizona, the object has been previously observed by Mike Nolan, Ellen Howell and colleagues with the Arecibo radar on April 19-21, 2010 and shown to be a very dark, nearly spherical object 400 meters in diameter. Because of its approximate 20-hour rotation period, ideal radar observations should include tracks that are 8 hours or longer on multiple dates at Goldstone (November 3-11) and when the object enters Arecibo's observing window on November 8th.
Using the Goldstone radar operating in a relatively new "chirp" mode, the November 2011 radar opportunity could result in a shape model reconstruction with a resolution of as fine as 4 meters. Several days of high resolution imaging (about 7.5 meters) are also planned at Arecibo. As well as aiding the interpretation of the radar observations, collaborative visual and near infrared observations could define the object's rotation characteristics and provide constraints upon the nature of the object's surface roughness and mineral composition.
Since the asteroid will approach the Earth from the sunward direction, it will be a daylight object until the time of closest approach. The best time for new ground-based optical and infrared observations will be late in the day on November 8, after 21:00 hours UT from the eastern Atlantic and western Africa zone. A few hours after its close Earth approach, it will become generally accessible for optical and near-IR observations but will provide a challenging target because of its rapid motion across the sky.
Edge-on view to the ecliptic plane |
Arecibo Observatory: The near-Earth asteroid named 2005 YU55 on the list of potentially dangerous asteroids was observed with the Arecibo Telescope's planetary radar on April 19, 2010 when it was about 1.5 million miles from the Earth, which is about 6 times the distance to the moon. The video below shows several of the potentially harmful asteroids coming close to Earth within the next few years. The approximation of 2005 YU55 in Nov. 8-9, 2011, occurs around 0:15-0:16. |
On Nov. 8, 2011 asteroid 2005 YU55 passes very close to earth, .4 - 1.4 Lunar Distance. Its 130 meters wide, about 400 feet, so 120 Megaton estimated energy if it hit earth, so a very large H-Bomb size explosion. Interesting that it is 3 days before 11-11-11. Follow its orbit: asteroid 2005 YU55 on the NASA website.
Defending Planet Earth: Near-Earth Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies
Near Earth Object
(Audio CD)
Updated: April 19, 2011| Space.com
Asteroid 2005 YU55
Mark your calendars for an impressive and upcoming flyby of an asteroid that’s one of the larger potentially perilous space rocks in the heavens – in terms of smacking the Earth in the future.
Check out historic and future alignments of asteroid 2005 YU55 which I just posted on my home page. In fact there are 3 key alignments upcoming: On 11/01/11 aligned between earth and sun. On 11/09/11 approaches earth at .0022 AU. On 11/11/11 aligns with earth and sun. Alignment effects to Earth are likely related to James McCanney's "Plasma Discharge Comet Theory."
Near Earth Object
Contributing Sources: |
Products: Suzanne Somers, Dr. Joel Wallach and many others.
Somalife's GhP Anti-Aging: Regain your Strength.
UPDATE about 2005YU 55:
ReplyDeleteNEW FACT: On 11th september 2011, 2005YU 55 will align with Sun and Comet Elenin.
And: At that same moment (9-11-2011) Comet Elenin will be at its closest point to the Sun. (perihelion)
According to Leonid Elenin himself, Comet Elenin can evaporate at that moment. (see comments on: http://spaceobs.org/en/2011/04/04/radiolokaciya-komety-elenina-mozhet-byt-provedena-na-300-metrovom-radioteleskope-aresibo/)
Comet Elenin has effected Earth everytime our planet was in alignment with it and the sun. But still NASA can not determine the mass and gravity force of Elenin for there have not been changes in other planet's orbits yet. But 2005YU 55 is very small, therefore NASA can also not assure that Comet Elenin wil not affect 2005YU 55's orbit.....
And what if Comet Elenin will affect the orbit of 2005YU 55? Depending on the change this NEO can collide with our Earth or Moon...
Government and NASA therefore MUST be watching 2005YU 55 closely after 9-11, to calculate if there will be an impact. But they will not tell us about it until some days before impact.
Is there anyone in position to hack NASA, or leak info from the government and NASA? And share the info with us? You can save a lot of lives.
Comet Elenin has affected Earth? How? Do you have any proof as to the dynamics of how Elenin is doing such a thing beyond that of coinciding geological and climactic events or pure conjecture?
ReplyDeleteAccording to Leonid Elenin himself, the comet is approximately 3-4 kilometers in length, therefore it's size is already known by scientists and NASA (unless this estimate proves to be wrong). NASA has already updated Elenin's predicted path as recently as early as March this year.
Based on this information alone, coupled with some fact-based science and calculations, Elenin simply does not have the mass or energy required to affect the climate of any planet... PERIOD.
There are 1000000000 times more things unexplained in science as sience say they have explained untill now.
ReplyDeleteYou can call it coincidence? Don't know how you would react if you get ill every time you read a book.
I guess after 4 times you stop readiing and go for the doctor. He will say there is no relations between the illness and reading a book. But still everytime you read a book, you get ill. What will you do?
I gues you'll think: "Maybe sience can't relate those two facts, but I do exprience it, so maybe sience will discover the relation in the future, but for now I stop reading."
Conclusion: Not everything can or will be explained. Sience is not about prooving how things work. Nobody can fully understand. Sience is only about observing. And right now we observe earthquakes everytime Elenin aligns with SUn and Earth.
So, we'll see what happens on 26/27 september. If there are heavy quakes, do you come back to this post and admit there is an unexplained relation?
How many coincidences do you need to see?