People who struggle with basic arithmetic may get a boost from a tool that electrically stimulates the brain, according to a study that appeared November 23 in Current Biology.
The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multi layered. For the casual reader, it can quickly become numbing, overwhelming the senses and creating a desire to exit the topic, but avoiding this subject is the most foolish thing you could possibly do since your only chance of surviving this hideous and insidious enslavement agenda, which today threatens virtually all of humanity, isto understand how it functions and take steps to reduce your vulnerability.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electrical brain stimulation (EBS), also referred to as focal brain stimulation (FBS), is a form of electrotherapy and technique used in research andclinical neurobiology to stimulate a neuron or neural network in the brain through the direct or indirect excitation of its cell membrane by using an electric current. It is used for research or for therapeutical purposes.
In 2007, Roi Cohen Kadosh at the University of Oxford and colleagues pinned down the area of the brain responsible for mathematical ability to the right parietal lobe, just above the right ear.
His team "short-circuited" this area using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) – a stream of magnetic pulses which temporarily disables a targeted area of the brain. The result, they found, was that people's ability to perform numerical tasks fell. In fact, their performance resembled people with dyscalculia, who have difficulty comprehending mathematics.
The reinforcing effects of electrical brain stimulation are (a) ubiquitous (they have been reported in every species tested to date); (b) powerful (humans, as well as animals, may voluntarily starve when given the option to eat or work for EBS); and (c) effervescent (often there is no indication of satiation but also no persisting desire to obtain EBS). The reinforcing properties of EBS are often related to natural drives and rewards - at least in the most extensively studied regions of the brain. Stimulation is often more reinforcing when a natural drive, such as hunger, and a natural reward, such as food, are present. Indeed, reinforcing EBS often elicits consummatory behavior such as eating or mating.
The plans to create a mind controlled workers society have been in place for a long time. The current technology grew out of experiments that the Nazis started before World War II and intensified during the time of the Nazi concentration camps when an unlimited supply of children and adults were available for experimentation. We've heard about the inhumane medical experiments performed on concentration camp prisoners, but no word was ever mentioned by the media and the TV documentaries of the mind control experiments. That was not to be divulged to the American public. Mind control technologies can be broadly divided into two subsets: trauma-based or electronic-based.
Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy (The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series)
Secrets of Cold War Technology: Project Haarp and Beyond
The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life
Cross Currents
The Creator designed living beings to resonate to the natural Schumann Resonance frequency pulsation in order to evolve harmoniously. The Ionosphere is being manipulated by US government scientists using the Alaskan transmitter called HAARP, (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which sends focused radiated power to heat up sections of the Ionosphere, which bounces power down again. ELF waves produced from HAARP, when targeted on selected areas, can weather-engineer and create mood changes affecting millions of people. The intended wattage is 1,700 billion watts of power.
Geomagnetic Waves & GWEN
Sixty four elements in the ground modulate, with variation, the geomagnetic waves naturally coming from the ground. The earth's natural 'brain rhythm' above is balanced with these. These are the same minerals found in red blood corpuscles. There is a relation between the blood and geomagnetic waves. An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts these biorhythms. These natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created low frequency (LF) ground waves coming from GWEN Towers.
GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters placed 200 miles apart across the USA allow specific frequencies to be tailored to the geomagnetic-field strength in each area, allowing the magnetic field to be altered. They operate in the LF range, with transmissions between LF 150 and 175 KHz. They also emit waves from the upper VHF to the lower UHF range of 225 - 400 MHz. The LF signals travel by waves that hug the ground rather than radiating into the atmosphere. A GWEN station transmits in a 360 degree circle up to 300 miles, the signal dropping off sharply with distance. The entire GWEN system consists of, (depending on source of data), from 58 to an intended 300 transmitters spread across the USA, each with a tower 299-500 ft high. 300 ft copper wires in spoke-like fashion fan out from the base of the system underground, interacting with the earth, like a thin shelled conductor, radiating radio wave energy for very long distances through the ground.
elf microwave towers http educate yourself org dc |
The United States is bathed in this magnetic field which can rise from ground up to 500 ft, but goes down into basements, so everyone can be affected and mind-controlled. The entire artificial ground-wave spreads out over the whole of the USA like a web. It is easier to mind-control and hypnotize people who are bathed in an artificial electromagnetic-wave.
The transmission of geomagnetic micropulsations through the ionosphere and lower exosphere (Memorandum)
GWEN transmitters have many different functions including:
1. controlling the weather,
2. mind control,
3. behavior and mood control, and
4. sending synthetic-telepathy as infrasound to victims with US government mind-control implants.
GWEN works in conjunction with HAARP and the Russian Woodpecker transmitter, which is similar to HAARP. The Russians openly market a small version of their weather-engineering system called Elate, which can fine-tune weather patterns over a 200 mile area and have the same range as the GWEN unit. An Elate system operates at Moscow airport. The GWEN towers shoot enormous bursts of energy into the atmosphere in conjunction with HAARP.
Electromagnetic Disease Transmission, ELF, & Chemtrails
The physics and engineering behind electromagnetic disease transmission are frightening. Diseases can be reproduced as 'disease signatures' in that the vibration of a disease can be manufactured and sent on to be induced. (The brainwave pattern of hallucinogenic drugs can also be copied and sent by ELF waves to induce 'visions'.) Once diseases are sprayed in the air, electromagnetic-waves attuned to the disease, using harmonics and subharmonics, will make them more lethal and infectious by sending particular disease frequency death-patterns.
Chemtrails are being sprayed daily all over USA (and other countries too) in a white crisscross pattern. They contain diseases and chemicals which affect our state of consciousness. They can produce apathy which works in conjuction with fluoridation of the water, as well as aspartame and drugs. Fluoride disables the willpower section of the brain, impairing the left occipital lobe.
Fluoride and selenium enable people to 'hear voices'. ELF waves create disturbances in the biological processes of the body and these can be activated in the population once the diseases are introduced into the body from the chemtrails.
Some chemtrails have been analyzed and shown to be creating cleavages in spacial perceptions, blocking the interaction of various amino-acids that relate to higher-consciousness and to increase dopamine in the brain producing a listless, spaced-out state of lower reactive mind.
Enough said!
Contributing Sources:
Anti-Aging: Turn the Clock Back!
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