Meteor Crash in Peru Caused Mysterious Illness
NG online ^ | September 21, 2007 | José Orozco in Caracas, Venezuela
NG online ^ | September 21, 2007 | José Orozco in Caracas, Venezuela
Posted on 09/24/2007 6:07:32 PM PDT by xcamel
An object that struck the high plains of Peru on Saturday, causing a mysterious illness among local residents, was a rare kind of meteorite, scientists announced today.
A team of Peruvian researchers confirmed the origins of the object, which crashed near Lake Titicaca, after taking samples to a lab in the capital city of Lima (see Peru map).
Nearby residents who visited the impact crater complained of headaches and nausea, spurring speculation that the explosion was a subterranean geyser eruption or a release of noxious gas from decayed matter underground.
But the illness was the result of inhaling arsenic fumes, according to Luisa Macedo, a researcher for Peru's Mining, Metallurgy, and Geology Institute (INGEMMET), who visited the crash site.
The meteorite created the gases when the object's hot surface met an underground water supply tainted with arsenic, the scientists said.
Numerous arsenic deposits have been found in the subsoils of southern Peru, explained Modesto Montoya, a nuclear physicist who collaborated with the team. The naturally formed deposits contaminate local drinking water.
"If the meteorite arrives incandescent and at a high temperature because of friction in the atmosphere, hitting water can create a column of steam," added José Ishitsuka, an astronomer at the Peruvian Geophysics Institute, who analyzed the object.
By Wednesday, according to Macedo, all 30 residents who felt ill reported feeling better.
"People Were Extremely Scared"
Locals described the meteorite as a bright, fiery ball with a smoke trail. The sound and smell rattled residents to the point that they feared for their lives, Ishitsuka said.
The meteorite's impact sent debris flying up to 820 feet (250 meters) away, with some material landing on the roof of the nearest home 390 feet (120 meters) from the crater, Ishitsuka reported.
"Imagine the magnitude of the impact," he said. "People were extremely scared. It was a psychological thing."
The meteorite's crash also caused minor tremors, shaking locals physically and emotionally.
"They were in the epicenter of a small earthquake," Montoya, the nuclear physicist, said.
The resulting crater resembles a muddy pond measuring 42 feet (13 meters) wide and 10 feet (3 meters) deep.
Solving the Mystery
Even as meteorite samples arrived in Lima Thursday for testing, Peruvian scientists seemed to unanimously agree that it was a meteorite that had struck their territory.
"Based on the first-hand reports, the impact and the samples, this is a meteorite," Macedo, of INGEMMET, said.
Tests revealed no unusual radiation at the site, though its absence didn't rule out a meteorite crash.
"Everything has radioactivity, even underground rocks," Montoya said. "But nothing out of the ordinary was found."
Preliminary analysis by Macedo's institute revealed no metal fragments, indicating a rare rock meteorite. Metal stands up better to the heat created as objects enter Earth's atmosphere, which is why most meteorites are metallic.
The samples she reviewed had smooth, eroded edges, Macedo added.
"As the rock enters the atmosphere, it gets smoothed out," she said.
The samples also had a significant amount of magnetic material "characteristic of meteorites," she said.
"The samples stick to the magnet," Ishitsuka, the astronomer, confirmed. "That shows that there is iron present."
Water samples at the crater proved normal, but the color and composition of soil were "unusual" for the area, Macedo noted.
José Machare, a geoscience adviser at INGEMMET, said x-ray tests conducted on the samples earlier today further confirmed the object's celestial origins.
He said the group's findings put to rest earlier theories that the object was a piece of space junk or that the crater had formed by an underground explosion.
"It's a rocky fragment," Machare said, "and rocks that fall from the sky can only be meteorites."
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: ahoax; callingartbell; eezhoaxamigo; impact; meteor; mysteryillness; peru; space
To: xcamel
sorry... missed the picture.. 
To: xcamel
3 posted on 09/24/2007 6:11:09 PM PDT by ElkGroveDan (Take the wheel, Fred.)
To: ElkGroveDan
NG followup - more facts available
To: xcamel
Last week's news and the illness thing seemed to be hysterical.
To: steve86
I thought the "Russian satellite" story was hilarious...
To: xcamel
I really can't buy the arsenic explanation.
To: steve86
"I really can't buy the arsenic. explanation."
Mining in the area would explain it.
8 posted on 09/24/2007 6:25:49 PM PDT by #1CTYankee (That's right, I have no proof. So what of it??)
To: xcamel
To: xcamel
But, but...Pravda and the moonbats assured me that this was a US satellite that the US shot down itself! ...and that it was the radiation from the US satellite that made those people sick. [/sarcasm]
10 posted on 09/24/2007 6:30:53 PM PDT by Jeff Head (Freedom is not free...never has been, never will be. (
To: xcamel
I can think of a few places I would have preferred the impact occur...
11 posted on 09/24/2007 6:32:14 PM PDT by Rick in Duxbury
To: Rick in Duxbury
One "UN Building" in mind?
Or a refinary in Iran?
Or a refinary in Iran?
To: #1CTYankee; xcamel
You are correct. The high ground water level, as shown in the pic, was the tip off. When I first saw the pic I thought the object hit a spectic leach field and that
whatever sulfur gases were released bothered the locals.
Copper and gold mining in the area and the associated release of chemicals into the ground water were the cause.
whatever sulfur gases were released bothered the locals.
Copper and gold mining in the area and the associated release of chemicals into the ground water were the cause.
To: xcamel
I thought the "Russian satellite" story was hilarious...
Pravda sure pushed it. Said it was shot down in time to foil a US nuke attack on Iran.
To: #1CTYankee
I believe there was arsenic in the area but have difficulty accepting that the vapor cloud hung around long enough above ground to sicken these people. Seems unlikely to me. Gasses disperse real quick unless they are trapped somehow.
To: steve86
The wet dust settles on everything - and microparticles remain suspended in the humid air for quite a while. - that thing left a hole about the size of a 2T bomb blast - which makes a pretty big cloud of debris...
To: xcamel
The pictures of this hole in the ground always amaze me! Not one picture that I have seen shows a human standing on the rim ... you know to give it perceptive ... the photographer seems to be able to get close ... but everybody else seems to be hundreds of feet away .... WHY?
17 posted on 09/24/2007 7:03:17 PM PDT by Red_Devil 232 (VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: steve86
Arsenic is volatile at high temps. Years ago, some of the copper smelter operations in Butte Montana (e.g., Asarco, Anaconda) had a problem with arsenic gas killing honey bees in the area. This didn't sit well with the bee farmers.
To: Red_Devil 232
It should be obvious that the whole is pretty hugh ...
To: Red_Devil 232
Lock and Load Bro
To: All
from Revelation 8:
10 The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters.
11 The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.
11 The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.
21 posted on 09/24/2007 9:32:49 PM PDT by Psalm_2 (1776 - !?? Dec. 7th 1941. Sept. 11th 2001. Self Defense, A Basic Human Right.)
To: Red_Devil 232
I noticed that, too.
The answer is that the photographer wanted to capture the entire diameter of the hole from close range, so that the camera revealed the muddy water at the bottom. To do that, he used a very wide-angle lens, which greatly distorts the size of things, make objects further away appear much smaller than normal.
Although it creates the distortion you noted, it nice to see the entire hole — just reading the description in the text didn't really capture it.
22 posted on 09/24/2007 9:38:48 PM PDT by Harpo Speaks (Honk! Honk! Honk! Either it's foggy out, or make that a dozen hard boiled eggs.)
To: Red_Devil 232
If you look behind the crater, there's yellow police tape. Also, the whole "death meteorite" thing.
23 posted on 09/24/2007 9:52:46 PM PDT by DrGunsforHands
To: Wiggins
Better drink your sterno!
To: xcamel
25 posted on 09/25/2007 2:17:00 AM PDT by Dumpster Baby ("Hope somebody finds me before the rats do .....")
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