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Saturday, April 22, 2017

9 Year old Boy has Vision-Asteroid Hitting Atlantic,Nuclear War involving US,Giants,Hell on Earth

The grandmother narrating this is hearing about it for the first time herself and is so astonished, she has trouble talking.  Please bear with her.

Published on Feb 16, 2017 by A Daughter of The Highest King
Please do not reupload this video to your channel, only share by the share button link. Thank you!
*I just wanted to say that there are many amazing comments coming on this video, I read them all and I am so very grateful! I will do my very best to acknowledge all of your very interesting comments and wonderful blessings either by thumbs up, hearts or actual comment. It may take a while, but as long as I'm able to keep up I will try:) Since I uploaded this video, there has been some nasty personal attacks directed toward me and my grandson as well and that doesn't phase me a bit. It just shows me that we are truly doing Gods work and are where God has us at this time. We praise you Papa Yahweh! I will however NOT allow the devil to publicly voice anything down in my video comments. Anyone allowing satan to use them, your comment will not go public. Thank you all so much for watching, commenting and getting this warning out. Much blessings to you!*

I ask again, please share all you want by the link under this video, but kindly I ask that you *do not* reupload to your channel. I will have Youtube remove it. If you see my videos Pt 1 and Pt 2 you will understand more why I ask this. This video is not for someone to re upload to their channel and stick ads on to make money or gain themselves a bunch of subscribers!
This is a warning from God that needs to go out and is not up for debate with me or anyone. We didn't give the vision, God did, so if you want to question it, take it to the Holy Spirit and pray about it, thanks!

I'm sorry for the sound, earbuds work very well to hear my grandson. Please excuse all of the stuttering and stumbling for words that I do, my mouth and brain don't want to cooperate with each other for some reason (there were mean spirited mocking comments about that too). It's ok! I was also hearing him speak about this for the first time too and I was shocked myself and stumped for words. I speak for the glory of God regardless! I give all praise honor and glory to the Father for using our vessels and this channel for His glory. Please LIKE and SHARE this WARNING from our God Yahweh and let's get the WARNING out there.

Warned! Those who do not heed to the warning and repent, your blood will not be on my hands! Warn others!
Ezekiel 7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. 8 When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. 9 Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.

Watch this video that just was made about giants

I have had several people remove this video from my channel and reuploaded to theirs only for me to have to report it to Youtube and have the videos removed from their channel.
Please please LIKE and SHARE these videos as much as you feel led to, but please do not remove from off of my channel and "reupload" to yours. I have the comments by approval only due to the evil that tries to attack and I also have this video and my channel prayed over. Thank you

Contributing Source:
9 Year Old Boy Has a Vision of an Asteroid Hitting The Atlantic and a Nuclear War Involving The United States | World Truth.TV

See Also: 

Russia WARNING,“Prepare to Defend Earth,NEPHILIM Fallen Angels have Returned"

Hemp Nano Drops! hemp leaf 

Urgent - Jumpstart Liberty - Click Here!

SURVIVE THE END DAYS - What is happening now? What will happen?
 How can you survive? Click Here.

Survive Anything - Disasters - Economy Collapse - Mobs, Etc.


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