Trump Be Nimble: protestors blocked his entrance to his own rally,
so he hopped the fence to outsmart them.
In an argument, logic is like the police: when you’re wrong, you don’t want it anywhere near you, but when you’re right, you rely on it to defend you. Keep that metaphor in mind.
At various times throughout the past year, Donald Trump has mentioned how the American political system is rigged: the media, wealthy special interests, and even major search engines and social media companies are nearly all biased in favor of the Democrats and Hillary Clinton. It’s only in the past couple weeks, however, that the media and the Hillary campaign have been attacking Trump virtually non-stop for his claims about a “rigged system.” And just as liberals only like to see police officers when things become scary, they are trying to “arrest” Trump with a logical objection.
Project Veritas Action
5 hours ago
In this video, Democratic pollster Celinda Lake encourages union workers to lie to voters on specific issues because the ...
Full Article:5 hours ago
In this video, Democratic pollster Celinda Lake encourages union workers to lie to voters on specific issues because the ...
....Clinton camp is doing everything it can to sabotage and censor Trump’s strongest defenders. If they can silence the witnesses, they can keep rigging the election in secret. Even before Project Veritas released its next video, David Brock’s Democratic attack-dog site, Media Matters, wrote a fearmongering hitpiece to discredit James O’Keefe and Roger Stone, based on an interview they gave yesterday on Info Wars with Alex Jones. What did O’Keefe and Jones say that is supposedly so scary?
ALEX JONES (HOST): What happens if they [Democrats/globalists] steal it [the election] in front of God and country? James and then Roger.JAMES O’KEEFE: I think what happens is the people will revolt. People will — people are — I saw it over the last two weeks. I’ve never seen anything like this.JONES: I agree.
O’KEEFE: We are witnessing a populist revolt on social media. People don’t give a crap what The New York Times says, they don’t believe them anymore. So if you have 50 to 100 million people in this country who have no one to speak for them what’s going to happen to those people? I think that’s a powerful movement of people that are going to literally revolt. It’s not going to be with pitchforks, I think it’s going to be on social — I think it’s going to be on media, I think they’re literally going to revolt if —
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