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Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Madrid Shakedown,FEMA,Unusual Planet Alignment May 21..

Alert - May 19, 2011

by Stewart Best,  The Lightgate Blogger
First I want to show you a strange planetary alignment that is offset from the Sun, but does involve Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Earth. That’s on e line-up. These line up quite closely between now and May 30th. Now we all know that Harold Camping’s May 21st doomsday prophecy is bunk. Of that there is no question. We also know that this prophecy has gone almost world-wide and is scaring any number of people. Sort of like the 88 reasons why Christ would return in 1988. What happened was that on the way here Jesus and His angels suddenly decided to stop in at a BIG MAC in some other galaxy,  and got tied up for all these years since, but will be leaving there shortly on His way here,  rumor has it. 

 Aside from that, there are some things we should take note of:
1. FEMA/Homeland Security are in the New Madrid area with their 2011 mass  ”exercise” for a “major earthquake.
2. We have seen numerous HAARP/ TESLA signatures over the New Madrid area which has led to severe weather, massive rains and record-breaking flooding.  It appears that all of this is weather warfare related, and one more “softening up” blow to bring America down. Accu weather says more rain is on the way, and more “signatures” are showing up over this region.
3. We have had transformers blowing up all over the nation and this can only happen if there is some sort of electromagnetic anomalies happening over the United States.
4. We have reports of “strange cosmic rays” bombarding the polar regions, especially the Antarctic region.
5. The Middle East is clearly a powder keg ready to explode, and Obama is dead set upon a PA state and dividing Jerusalem. It appears that Israel’s leadership will go along with some sort of division as well. If we force that, the United States WILL BE DIVIDED AS WELL, and that most likely along the New Madrid Fault Zone.
6. Dr. Doom, remote viewer Ed Dames, insisted on Coast to Coast that St. Louis was going to get struck by a very large quake. 
7. Many Christians have been shown visions of the New Madrid being stuck with a huge rift that goes from the Gulf all the way to Lake Michigan, wiping out Chicago and all south.
8. We know something is in the works, and that the leaders of the world know what is going on, and in fact may be the ones engineering it all, but fall into a TRAP set by the Lord Himself. Swiss Banknotes show Nibiru and certain planetary alignments – why would they have that one on their money? See the sample and notice closely what is on it:
Now back to Camping and his doomsday May 21, 2011 concept. We do not know who is actually behind all of this – or what it all means in the end. Sure, it will make Christians look like a bunch of fruitcakes, but what if the Illuminati decided to attempt to trigger something.  Not likely, but then again....

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