This Is the Most Important and Prophetic Announcement in the 41-Year History of This Ministry
Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 4:46 PM From Mike Evans the founder of the Jerusalem Prayer Team
It is my esteemed honor to share with you the most important and prophetic announcement in the forty-one year history of this ministry. The Spirit of God keeps repeating that this project is an eternal legacy for you and for me. It is a legacy that will echo throughout eternity.
I am Jewish by birth and your ambassador to the nation of Israel. God has given us a prophetic plan to share His love with the fourteen million people in the house of Israel worldwide.
Every Jewish person knows the story of the young Dutch girl, Anne Frank. With your help, every Jewish person will hear the story of another Dutch woman, Corrie ten Boom. As chairman of the board of the Corrie ten Boom Holocaust Center in
Haarlem, Holland, I was honored with an invitation to speak at the induction ceremony at Yad Vashem when Betsie and Casper ten Boom's names were placed, along with Corrie's, in the Hall of Righteous Gentiles. They were honored along with Oskar Schindler and other great heroes.
Dr. Billy Graham produced the movie, "The Hiding Place" based on the story of Corrie's life. He realized how amazing it was. Now for the first time ever, the movie will be aired in Hebrew on national Israeli television during Holocaust Memorial Week.
We have worked for years on this project. This is a prophetic first! Never has a Christian movie been aired on national television in Israel.
Along with the airing of "The Hiding Place," we will launch an Internet virtual reality tour of the ten Boom home.
This amazing story has been translated into English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Farsi, Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Italian, Indonesian, Norwegian, and Greek. We have it in Farsi and Arabic because most youth who become terrorists are recruited on the internet. We want to get to them first and educate them that the Holocaust did happen and to love, not hate, the Jewish people. Imagine making it possible for every Jewish person worldwide to tour the ten Boom Holocaust Center via Internet free of charge and learn the story of Christian love. The ten Booms saved eight hundred Jewish lives and most of the family gave theirs in order to do it. Casper (82) died and was buried in an unmarked grave. Betsie died in Ravensbruck Concentration Camp. Corrie survived by the hand of God.
The ten Boom family launched a meeting to pray for the peace of Jerusalem in 1844. It ended in 1944 when the family was taken captive by the Nazis. The prayer meeting will continue. We will invite Jewish people to send their personal prayer requests to Jerusalem Prayer Team members worldwide.
Presently Jewish people in Israel write their prayer requests on slips of paper and rabbis insert them into cracks in the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Now they will be able to have personal prayer. You see, the ten Booms prayed with and for Jewish people in their home; you will be able to do the same in your home.
The vast majority of Jewish people worldwide have never heard the story of God's love through Christians. Over the years I've heard Christians say that the reason Jews are so closed to the Gospel is because they are blind. I know the history of my people. I sometimes think the blind ones are many Christians ... not the Jews at all. I say this because, regretfully, the only stories passed down from Jewish parents and grandparents are those of suffering at the hands of professing Christians. As a child I was one of those Jewish people until my eyes were opened.
Great numbers of Jews were tortured and killed during the pogroms in Russia at the hands of professing Russian Orthodox Christians. My great grandfather, a rabbi, was one of those murdered. My mother didn't know what a real, professing Christian was. She had never seen loving, compassionate Christians. When I was a child she told me, "Christians hate Jews. Christians kill Jews. Jesus died; don't dig him up."
As sad as it is to admit, I was beaten many times in Christian America and called a kike or a Christ-killer. Tomatoes and eggs were thrown at my mother from passing cars by professing Christians who screamed, "Jew witch!" This was done as I pushed my mother's grocery cart home from the local market on Friday nights. Mother Teresa and I prayed together in Rome before she died. She said to me, "You can't love God without loving the Jewish people; Jesus was Jewish." She said love was not something you say, it's something you do.
For over twenty-eight years we have operated the ten Boom House at no charge. Jewish people have toured the home and left weeping. Many would say, "My father ... my grandmother ... my grandfather ... was saved by the ten Boom family. I was a little child, they saved me." I'll never forget after I spoke at the induction of Corrie and Betsie, a Jewish woman came to me and said, "My mother took me to the ten Boom home. She asked the old man if he would take us in. He said he had to ask God and would be right back. I was frightened and asked my mother, 'Is God in the house?' She didn't respond. Mr. ten Boom returned and said, 'God said yes; come in.' I am alive today because of the ten Booms and I truly can tell you that God was in the house."
After years of research, we now have the technology to share God's love with the fourteen million Jewish people worldwide. The entire ten Boom story is now available by means of a stunning virtual reality Internet tour. With the cooperation of the Billy Graham organization the site includes powerful segments from the famous movie, "The Hiding Place." It has already been translated into Hebrew, Russian, Dutch, German, Spanish, and many other languages.
We are faced with a monumental challenge. When the special airs in Israel during Holocaust Memorial Week this spring, we want to give the Jewish people "The Hiding Place" book in Hebrew at no charge.
We must prepare for millions of visitors to the website as word of this breakthrough spreads like wildfire.
We must invest in the computer servers, communication lines, and software to handle the flood of visitors from around the world.
We must continue to invest the necessary resources to translate this into all primary languages.
We must invest in marketing so that people in Israel, Russia, Europe, and South America can learn of the incredible story of God's love.
We must insure that our message floods all of the social networks--Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Google and all primary search engines.
I believe God has called you and me to come into the kingdom for such a time as this.
In my opinion this is the most significant opportunity of our lifetime to impact eternity and invest in an eternal legacy.
Through a historic handful of Jerusalem Prayer Team members we will be able to:
1. Tell Corrie's story in the languages of the world and to be light and salt;
2. Fight anti-Semitism by showing the truth of the Holocaust;
3. Provide a safe haven where Jewish people around the world can receive prayer during times of crisis;
4. Provide a forum for real-time intercessory prayer for, by and with Jerusalem Prayer Team members;
5. Communicate the truth of the Holocaust in Arabic and Farsi to Muslim children who are being recruited by radical Islam so they will not dedicate their lives to killing Jewish people.
We believe that from this initiative the largest prayer meeting in history will be formed.
We will be negotiating with leading companies in the U.S., Israel, and Europe. The entire budget to accomplish this task if $7.5 million. But that large sum represents a cost of only approximately fifty cents each to share the love of God with the fourteen million Jewish people we seek to reach.
I am certain I am making this presentation to you by divine appointment. I believe you are someone who is prepared to invest in a destiny-impacting project of this scope.
Our immediate need is to raise the money to finish production on "The Hiding Place" special with updates for Israeli national television and to install the needed translation equipment in the ten Boom home in Haarlem. The cost for this Phase One will be over $350,000. We need 2,500 Jerusalem Prayer Team members to say yes so that we can move forward with this installation which needs to begin in three weeks.
I confronted Iran's president and twenty-one of his diplomats face-to-face. I placed the Word of God in the hands of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and bound that spirit in him. Almost thirty years ago I prayed over Ahmadinejad's greatest enemy, the current prime minister of Israel. I told Benjamin Netanyahu that he would be prime minister twice, and the second time would be the gravest days in Israel's history. I shared the prophecy with then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin and asked him to give Benjamin a job in the government; he did.
I believe with all my heart that you have a divine appointment with destiny. What you do will impact eternity. The scripture is burning in my spirit:
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14, NIV)
I am asking you as a Jerusalem Prayer Team member to be part of prophecy. When you send your gift of $40 or more, I will send you a DVD of the new ten Boom website. This will allow you to enjoy the virtual tour of the hiding place and see for yourself how powerful and moving this presentation is. This DVD will play on either your DVD player or your computer. We will also send you a beautiful reflection on Corrie's life, included many photos from her family and notes from her personal journal.
When you send a gift of $100 or more, you will receive the DVD virtual tour and the reflection on Corrie's life, and we will also send you a special certificate commemorating your investment in this vital cause. In addition, your name will be placed on a special Members Plaque in the ten Boom home and museum in Haarlem to honor your support.
When you send your gift of $200 or more, you will receive the DVD, the reflection on Corrie's life, the special certificate, have your name placed on the Members Plaque in the ten Boom home, and in addition you will receive this special commemorative clock designed especially for Jerusalem Prayer Team members supporting this project in honor of the ten Boom family's long clock-making heritage.
When you send your gift of $2,500 or more you will receive all of these thank-you gifts, and in addition, your name will be placed on a Legacy Builders Plaque inside the Hiding Place in Corrie's room in the family home in Haarlem. If you choose, you may have your gift commemorated in honor or in memory of someone special to you.
One day many years ago I saw Corrie ten Boom carrying her bags into a Holiday Inn. I didn't know who she was; I just knew she was an elderly lady. I ran to carry her bag for her. When I saw her face, I was astonished. "Oh," she said, "young man, I'm just a tramp for the Lord. Come on in and have a cup of soup with me." As I sat with her, she opened her heart and shared with me the love she had for my people. I wept. Because of the impact of such Christian love, I've done everything within my power to keep the vision alive.
Now, God has given me an assignment--to take this vision into the hearts and homes of every Jewish person in the world--which I cannot accomplish without you. When you get to heaven one of the greatest legacies you have will be your participation in this project.
For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? (Romans 11:15, NKJV)
Thank you for answering the call at this crisis moment of history and prophecy.
Your ambassador to Jerusalem...and the Jews of the world,
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The Jerusalem Prayer Team is a non-profit, non-denominational, 501c3 organization dedicated to developing a prayer movement of people around the world. It receives no support from the Nation of Israel. Donations are tax deductible. The mission of the Jerusalem Prayer Team: To guard, defend and protect the Jewish people and Eretz Yisrael until Israel is secure, and until the Redeemer comes to Zion. Dr. Tim LaHaye, Mr. Pat Boone, Mr. Bill McCartney, Rev. Tommy Tenney, Dr. A.R. Bernard, and Dr. Jay Sekulow are just a few of the more than 300 Christian Leaders who are part of the Jerusalem Prayer Team.
In the event that the all the required funds are received for a specific project, the Board of Directors reserves the right to use any additional funds received, for other projects or outreaches of The Jerusalem Prayer Team.
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