Gulf toxicologist: Shrimpers exposed to Corexit “bleeding from the rectum”; Dispersant “ruptures red blood cells, causes internal bleeding”
As I have previously noted, Corexit is toxic, is less effective than other dispersants, and is actually worsening the damage caused by the oil spill.

Gulf toxicologist: Shrimpers exposed to Corexit “bleeding from the rectum”; Dispersant “ruptures red
CNN, July 9. 2010: Rush Transcript Excerpt Susan Shaw, Marine Toxicologist: If I can tell you what happens -- because i was in the oil -- to
Now, two toxicologists are saying that Corexit is much more harmful to human health and marine life than we’ve been told.
Specifically Gulf toxicologist Dr. Susan Shaw – Founder and Director of the Marine Environmental Research Institute – dove into the oil spill to examine the chemicals present.
Dr. Shaw told CNN:
If I can tell you what happens — because I was in the oil — to people…
Shrimpers throwing their nets into water… [then] water from the nets splashed on his skin. …
[He experienced a] headache that lasted 3 weeks… heart palpitations… muscle spasms…bleeding from the rectum…
And that’s what that Corexit does, it ruptures red blood cells, causes internal bleeding, and liver and kidney damage. …
This stuff is so toxic combined… not the oil or dispersants alone. …
Very, very toxic and goes right through skin.
The reason this is so toxic is because of these solvents [from dispersant] that penetrate the skin of anything that’s going through the dispersed oil takes the oil into the cells —takes the oil into the organs… and this stuff is toxic to every organ system in the body. …
Similarly, marine biologist and toxicologist Dr. Chris Pincetich – who has an extensive background in testing the affects of chemicals on fish – says that Corexit disrupts cell membranes.
He also explains that EPA toxicity testing for Corexit is woefully inadequate, since EPA testing for mortality usually only requires a 96-hour time frame. His doctoral research found that fish that were alive at 96 hours after exposure to pesticide were dead at two weeks, so the chemicals were considered non-lethal for the purposes of the test.
Drs. Shaw and Pincetich are wildlife conservationists. But even industry scientists working for Exxonand the manufacturer of Corexit itself admit that the stuff is toxic.
Investigations into the toxicity of corexit: A new oil dispersant (Fishery Leaflet)
Biodegradation of dispersed oil using COREXIT 9500: A report
Effects Of Crude Oil And The Dispersant Corexit 9527
On The Vegetation Of A Nova Scotian Saltmarsh: Impacts After Two Growing Seasons
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