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Friday, May 19, 2017

Earth has tilted;SUN-Something WRONG

Published on May 18, 2017
Nibiru Planet X update 19th May 2017 Earth has tilted and there was something wrong With The Sun, Earth, Moon
1 .. From around the globe, folk agree that the Sun Is Not doing it's usual thing, reports going back two years tell us this ... anyone looking for a change in tidal patterns would have to look back in time to find any change, when the Earth must have tilted.
There was a suspected "Tilt" of 3 degrees or so following the Tsunami of 2004.

Images of our Moon at this time show without doubt that: it has rotated slightly ! Why? .. Has something smashed into it ??? our friend from Hawaii
observes a strange secondary glow about the Moon, which could be "Ejecta" from the bombing a while back?.. as well as capturing Similar images to mine !**

2 .. As the Sun is out of it's trajectory, this indicates that the Earth has Tilted slightly.

3 .. The Moon does not spin & certainly not on an north east to south west axis ! Though it rotates once in every revolution around the Earth, Thus, We Always see the same face, well we used to that is.!

4 .. The position of the Sun & Moon combine to create our ocean's tidal patterns

5 .. If the distance between the Sun, Moon & Earth remains the same a good guess would be that tides would have changed slightly allowing for Earth's slight Tilting. Then settling.

6 .. Tidal observations show that: In 2008 all around the globe there Were "Unusual & Unexplained Tidal Changes" many low & high tides in a short space of time on the same day !!.

7 .. Does anyone KNOW the date the Earth Tilted ? .. Without a doubt, it was more than 7 years ago !
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Source: Sky watcher Nibiru

See also,
Climate Chaos, the Tilting of the Planet

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