An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states,
“When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens,
The Fifth World will emerge”.
This will be the Day of Purification. Image source: Illuminati Mind Control
Thanks to John Dinardo for this:
"Store Now"
God speaks thoughts into the minds of some whose minds are
seeking God. The native Americans were inclined toward the
spiritual. Out of that mental quest for God arose an ancient Hopi
prophecy that a "blue Kachina" will appear prior to the appearance
of the great "red Kachina" (what NASA calls "Planet X"). This Comet
ISON would seem to be the blue Kachina, which is prophesied to be
quite large, and we know that the Sun's great gravitational force
field is pulling ISON, and later X, inexorably toward it, in what
will be a cosmic size U-turn under and then over the Sun (for
Planet X, at least).

ISON is small enough that it may be sucked
directly into the Sun, which would provoke the Sun to expel
extraordinarily massive flares and coronal mass ejections.
We see a clue, in that the elite appear to be going into their
underground cities. When you put those two facts together,
along with the National Academy of Science's report that the
Sun will become extremely hyperactive around 2013, then we
will probably have the destruction of power grids, worldwide.
I think that the continents that take solar hits during the daytime
will be much more heavily damaged than the continents on the
dark side of Earth when the solar hits occur. Maybe the entire
Globe will get hit.
This will knock out power and electronic systems
permanently, because those house-size transformers cost millions
of dollars, and China is the only country that produces them. Right
now, there is a three-year waiting period for any transformer order
to see delivery to the U.S. Naturally, China will probably be knocked
out, industrially, by these solar blasts, so we must learn to live like
our ancestors. Time to spend some time living with the Amish.
However, solar emissions also cause earthquakes because of their
electromagnetic disturbance of Earth's smooth rotation. And, when
you're carrying a tray of Jell-O with pineapple slices floating on top,
and someone bumps your elbow, those pineapple slices clash and crash
together. That is exactly what happens to Earth's tectonic plates as they
float on the underlying Jell-O-like mantle as electromagnetic forces
from solar blasts impact Earth's magnetosphere. So, earthquakes will
be severe "in divers places" {MATTHEW 24} around the Globe. God our
Saviour tells us, in three of the Four Gospels, about these worldwide
earthquake barrages, and about the wars, famine, and plague that will
accompany them. The satanic rulers will perpetrate false flag attacks
to blame Christians as terrorists, and this is why Jesus says that we
will be hated by all of mankind for His name sake.
Right now, go to
Right now, go to
your recycling center and get as many plastic bottles as you can load
up on. Fill them with tap water. You know how to filter and disinfect
it when you need to drink it. There are certain grains and legumes
which we must buy quickly, because Earth calamities could strike any
day, victimizing us in the frailness our human shortsightedness.
Amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, oats -- these are gluten-free,
and the first two have complete protein. Combine millet, wheat, spelt
and barley with lentils and beans according to God's instructions to
EZEKIEL (Chapt. 4:9}, and you will have another form of complete
essential amino acid protein components. Incidentally, dried lentils
sprout easily and will provide the enzymes your body needs to
fully assimilate digested food.
Well, I've gone on long enough, but you and those whom you help
will benefit from this advice.
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NASA knows some things. 2012 Survival Guide
Ping your blogAnd Chomp it
ReplyDeleteAs much as I ( a determined urban catastrophe survivor ) hate to admit, it appears the time has come to at least establish fool proof bug out routes and a couple month's portable survival supplies.
Not necessarily due to the potential for natural events to get out of hand but because the global political situation isn't looking too stable these days either.
Do so on an individual or family basis and avoid groups or co-ops except as a common means of protection once you arrive at your " safe " destination. Even THEN, be careful whom you trust . . .