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Thursday, October 03, 2013


U.S. Capitol on lockdown

Breaking news, Capitol Lockdown after shots are fired.

Capitol Police Officer was injured in the vicinity of the Chamber.

FBI responding to the scene.

Developing ~

October 3, 2013

The United States Capitol is on lockdown with reports that an active shooter is in or near the building on Capitol Hill in D.C. There are unconfirmed reports that one officer may have been shot.

The lockdown was placed mid-afternoon on Thursday, October 3, 2013 and police are responding to the scene.

Capitol Police ordered anyone in a House office to "shelter in place" and "close, lock and stay away from external doors and windows."

CNN reports that while the gunshots were unconfirmed, The House recessed shortly after word that there might be an active shooter in the Capitol building.

Twitter is buzzing with word of a possible shooter.

Colorado Rep. Jared Polis tweeted, "There had been some short of shooting here at the capital, we r on lockdown awaiting more info."

Rep. Tim Griffin (R-Ark.) reported a short time ago that he was told the shooter had been arrested. Griffin tweeted, "I am told shooter has been arrested. House floor activity stopped for now."

FBI spokesperson Lindsay Godwin stated at approximately 2:34 p.m. ET that the bureau’s National Capital Response squad "is responding to the Capitol."

She did not provide any additional information on reports of shots being fired.

The investigation is ongoing. This report will be updated as more information is made available.

Could it be possible that someone has issues with congress??? ~ Robin Falcov

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