Posted: 24 Sep 2013 05:44 AM PDT
As compiled and reported by, new information gathered from multiple sources reveals that biotech companies have now infiltrated the U.S. Embassy in Harare, Zimbabwe, which is right now actively advocating what it ridiculously claims is the proven safety and efficacy of GM crops. This is, of course, in addition to the many other biotech-backed lobbying groups, non-profit foundations and developmental organizations that continue to tour the nations of Africa and aggressively blitz them with endless pro-GMO propaganda.
Though such activity has been taking place in Africa for years, it is only continuing to intensify, say experts, as the patience of biotech companies like Monsanto and DuPont grows thin. Europe has all but banned GMOs, with the exception of imported animal feed, and the U.S. is growing more and more resistant to GMOs with each passing day. So the biotech industry is shifting its focus to Africa, much of which is stricken with poverty and drought — in other words, Africa is ripe for exploitation by multinational seed corporations.
“While Africa has long been intransigent in its stance against introducing genetically modified crops, cracks are forming in the opposition, and the world’s leading biotechs — DuPont, Monsanto, and Syngenta among them — are poised to take advantage of the weakening stance and flood the market with seed, fertilizer, and pesticides,” writes Rich Duprey for The Motley Fool about the situation. “With Europe effectively closed off to GM crops, the seed and chemical giants are looking to Africa to be their next growth market.”
Corporate lobbyists shamelessly use poverty, hunger as cover story to pillage African agriculture
According to, former State Department communications expert-turned-Monsanto public relations lobbyist Jay Byrne, for instance, has been actively meeting with lobbying front groups in Africa to advocate for more acceptance of GMOs. Other so-called “biotech ambassadors” are engaged in similar lobbying efforts, including pro-GMO activist Mark Lynas, who, as we previously reported, spends much of his time touring Africa and giving speeches about how GMOs can save Africa.
All this corporate pandering in promotion of GMOs has nothing to do with ending hunger and poverty in Africa, of course. This is just the front story that the biotech industry and its lackeys in the federal government are using to advance their agenda of enslaving African farmers into a system that will require them to purchase seeds from Monsanto every year rather than save and reuse them. It is about power, control and greed — an incessant bloodlust for agricultural dominance in every corner of the globe.
“If Africa does succumb to the siren song of GM crops, control of the food chain will be taken from the hands of the family farmer and placed into those of the agri-giants,” adds Duprey. “For farmers who wished to go back to the old ways, their fields would have to lie fallow for years before the chemicals poured onto them were gone, a practical impossibility when the harvests are used for subsistence … A new era of agricultural colonialism will be born where the local farmer ends up becoming enslaved to the global profit demands of corporate agriculture.”
Sources for this article include:
Source: Natural News Author: Ethan A. Huff
Posted: 24 Sep 2013 05:41 AM PDT
Obamacare is just the latest massive entitlement that is quickening the pace of America’s bankruptcy, which is why the fiscal hawks are moving to defund it. The same forces who passed that monstrosity, however, are now working overtime to not only keep it the law of the land but to make sure America goes broke funding it.
Is there anything that can impose reason on the unreasonable? Well, the Congressional Budget Office, Congress’ non-partisan fiscal watchdog, is trying. But there is only so much the CBO can do.
UK Environment officials praise GMO crops as ‘safer than conventional’ ones, but a recent study reveals more sobering evidence that the world urgently needs to ask fundamental safety questions about genetic engineering of the human food chain.
The first long term study of the effects on inner organs from a diet of Monsanto GMO maize and GMO soya has just been released. The results are shocking and validate the September 2012 long-term study by Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini of the effects on rats of a diet of GMO Maize.
Like a broken record, the warnings keep coming
In its latest budget projection, which covers the 10-year period between 2013 and 2023, the CBO offers yet another dire warning that lawmakers ignore at there – and our – peril. The agency says that, based on its current projections, America’s large and growing debt – can you guess? – is unsustainable.
“[A] large and continually growing federal debt …would increase the probability of a fiscal crisis for the United States,” says the report.
What’s more, CBO says that if current laws and policies don’t change, the federal debt could reach 100 percent of GDP by 2038 (it is currently about 73 percent).
CBO also projects that healthcare spending by the federal government “will grow considerably in 2014 because of changes made by the Affordable Care Act” (Obamacare).
Of the current federal debt-to-GDP ratio, the “percentage is higher than at any point in U.S. history except a brief period around World War II, and it is twice the percentage at the end of 2007.”
If laws remain the same, CBO said that it expects federal debt held by the public to decrease slightly, relative to gross domestic product, over the next several years. But after that, deficits would begin growing once more, in no small part due to the government’s major healthcare programs (think Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP).
“CBO projects that the federal debt held by the public would reach 100 percent of GDP in 2038, 25 years from now, even without accounting for the harmful effects that growing debt would have on the economy,” the report said.
The word “crisis” appears numerous times in the report, as the CBO explains the negative consequences of burdensome debt. At some point, the report says, investors would begin to doubt the government’s willingness or ability to pay U.S. debt obligations, making it more difficult or more expensive for the government to borrow money. Even before that happens, the high and rising amount of debt “would have significant negative consequences” for both the economy and the federal budget.
And it just gets worse from here
More bad news:
– As the debt-to-GDP rises, there will a larger risk of a major fiscal crisis as well, because investors could begin demanding much higher interest rates to finance the federal government’s borrowing.
– More debt equals less flexibility in Washington to utilize tax and spending policies as a response to unexpected issues or occurrences, like a new recession or a major war.
– Most assuredly, interest payments on the government’s rising debt would necessarily increase – and substantially so – to become one of the budget’s biggest line items, if not the largest.
– As the government borrows more, private investment will fall off, “because the portion of total savings used to buy government securities would not be available to finance private investment,”
Source: Natural News Author: J.D. Heyes
Posted: 24 Sep 2013 05:38 AM PDT
It turns out that “amalgam fillings” are intentionally and deliberately misnamed for the express purpose of misleading consumers. Those fillings are actually more than 50 percent mercury, and once installed in mouths, they off-gas mercury vapor which is then inhaled by the patient, entering their bloodstream and causing permanent cellular damage to heart, kidneys, liver and brain. Click here to see a video of mercury fillings off-gassing deadly mercury vapor.
There’s also a stunning video from the University of Calgary that provides visual proof of mercury damaging brain neurons. If you’ve never seen this video, click here to watch it now.
Here’s why so many dentists are clinically insane
The dentistry industry knows that mercury is extremely toxic. It’s one of the reasons why so many dentists are clinically insane. They’ve come into contact with so much mercury of the years that they, themselves, are victims of it. That’s why so many retired dentists are stark raving mad. The “mad hatter” effect is what happens when you touch, absorb or inhale too much mercury over the years.
So instead of trying to remove mercury from fillings — which would be the obvious solution here — the dental industry has, for decades, engaged in a delusional campaign of denial, pretending that mercur
Yet even in their absurd denial of the toxicity of mercury, mainstream dentists and poison pushers forget yet another critical aspect of all this: the environmental damage caused by mercury used in dentistry.
Mercury-based dentistry is destroying our world
Thanks to modern dentistry, mercury is “the poison that keeps on giving.” Even after poisoning the patient, that same mercury goes on to poison the world. How?
When people who have mercury fillings die, many are cremated. This causes the mercury in their mouths to be “cooked off” and turned into a deadly gas that gets blown right into the atmosphere. Mainstream environmentalists are quite familiar with the idea of mercury being released by coal power plants, but almost nobody talks about mercury being released from the cremation of patients who have been implanted with mercury fillings.
This mercury gets blown by trade winds and eventually settles on crop lands all across America. From there, it enters the food, causing trace levels of mercury to be found across the food supply. This is just one of the many ways in which modern dentistry is poisoning our world.
Mercury used in fertilizers for food
Believe it or not, mercury is also found in biosludge (human waste) fertilizers that are routinely spread on crops grown in the USA and elsewhere. This is a common but little-known practice in the food production industry.
The EPA openly confirms this, by the way, stating, “if mercury-contaminated sludge is used as an agricultural fertilizer, some of the mercury used as fertilizer may also evaporate to the atmosphere. Through precipitation, this airborne mercury eventually gets deposited onto water bodies, land and vegetation.”
Just how big of a problem is this? According to the EPA, over 30 tons of mercury were used in dental fillings in 2004. Dental offices are also polluting the world with mercury through improper disposal of mercury-contaminated devices and supplies. As the EPA states on its dental amalgam page:
If the amalgam waste is sent to a landfill, the mercury may be released into the groundwater or air. If the mercury is incinerated, mercury may be emitted to the air from the incinerator stacks. And finally, if mercury-contaminated sludge is used as an agricultural fertilizer, some of the mercury used as fertilizer may also evaporate to the atmosphere. Through precipitation, this airborne mercury eventually gets deposited onto water bodies, land and vegetation. Some dentists throw their excess amalgam into special medical waste (“red bag”) containers, believing this to be an environmentally safe disposal practice. If waste amalgam solids are improperly disposed in medical red bags, however, the amalgam waste may be incinerated and mercury may be emitted to the air from the incinerator stacks. This airborne mercury is eventually deposited into water bodies and onto land. Mercury amalgam also accumulates on dental supplies, such as cotton swabs and gauze, and these materials are usually deposited in the regular trash. In local areas where trash is incinerated, the mercury in this trash can be released via air emissions.
Mercury denialists, poison pushers and destroyers of life
The mercury denialists are all the usual suspects. They are the very same destroyers of life who are also pushing GMOs, vaccines, psychiatric drugs and other poisons that are destroying our world. These very same people insist that mercury is somehow not toxic to humans, nor to the environment, nor to any life on our planet.
Of course, they know they’re lying about mercury, just as they’re lying about GMOs, vaccines, psychiatric drugs, glyphosate, triclosan, aspartame and all the other poisons now devastating our world.
It’s time to stop the dentistry holocaust and outlaw the use of mercury in both dentistry and medicine. Mercury has no place whatsoever in the dental practices of a civilized society. We have suffering mercury poisoning for too many generations, and We the People will no longer tolerate the denials of a corrupt, profiteering industry that earns money by installing neurotoxic substances into the mouths of children.
What you can do to stop the dentistry holocaust
Join Natural News in halting this modern-day holocaust:
#1) Demand mercury-free dentistry for yourself and your family members. If your current dentist still uses mercury, switch dentists.
#2) Demand that your representatives in government support legislative bans on mercury in dentistry and vaccines.
#3) If you currently have mercury in your mouth, have it removed by a competent holistic dentist. Please note that you will need to consume extra nutritional supplements before and after any mercury removal procedure to protect your body from absorbing the mercury. Most importantly, you will need an oxygen respirator during the procedure to avoid inhaling mercury vapor as the fillings are being drilled out! If your dentist does not give you a respirator during this procedure, refuse to work with that dentist, period! (Removing mercury fillings exposes you to very high levels of mercury vapor during the removal.)
#4) Share this story and keep reading Natural News for the truth about mercury, dentistry, vaccines, GMOs and other topics that the mainstream media flat-out refuses to cover.
P.S. There is no “safe” form of mercury, as is sometimes claimed by the poison pushers. Mercury is toxic in all its forms and isotopes. You can speciate mercury all day long, but you’ll never find a form that’s a nutrient. Every form of mercury is poison to life on our planet, without exception! (Ethylmercury, methylmercury, inorganic mercury, etc.) Click here for a great online resource explaining the different “species” of mercury most likely to be encountered.
See this important video on mercury-free dentistry:
Learn more: http://www.momsagainstmercury.
Source: Natural News – Author: Mike Adams, Health Ranger
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