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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nibiru and Annunaki Close ,2012

In our consciousness now

Down below shows a banknotes of the Swiss franc, in which there is solar system with a body with an elliptical orbit. Can this be Planet X?

1981 Swiss franc Banknote : Here

Then there are the tall men 1998 Swiss Franc banknote , with slender faces. The Annunaki, even historically, as seen as walking taller than man, giants, with a face and head more long than round.

Why would the Swiss be in possession of this information, and why would they put it on their franc?

The Puppet Master lives in Europe and certainly utilizes the secrecy of the Swiss banks during his massive global operations. In the main, he operates behind the scenes, so his great wealth and influence cannot be calculated or determined. The Annunaki provided the Maya with a calendar, and the ancient Babylonians with their shar method of counting and their knowledge of the solar system, and built the Giant Pyramids as a sighting device during a prior pole shift. Are these the ONLY tidbits of knowledge available to man?

The Annunaki Enigma: Armageddon 2012

Ancient Planet X 

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Everything you need to know about Planet X and the pending pole shift are at and poleshift.ning. Sites like this are not telling you the whole truth if they are claiming Planet X is coming from any direction other than the sun (for example past the orbit of Jupiter or Saturn) or that Comet Elenin is anything other than a comet (it was a comet, now it is just dust).

    Find the truth for yourself and don't bother with all the nonsense here!


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