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Sunday, June 27, 2010

PhD Environmental Engineer: "If BP has poked a hole into... we are about to be slow grilled on our own planet"

Many people are searching for answers to what may be going on.
Following is email conversation among four of us:
Dee Rohe

From Loretta P., Florida:

My nephew who is PhD environmental engineer with his own company, sent this reply to the e-mail you had sent me. This is scary stuff. He has to consult with governors and officials of state and keeps up on federal rules pretty closely. He does clean up of toxic soil and water.   
He wrote:
Methane is lighter than air and would go to the upper atmosphere causing extreme global warming as it is 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. The result would be the melting of all the ice on the planet and ultimately the extinction of humans. There are deposits of methane hydrate deep under the Gulf with enough methane to power the world for hundreds of years. However, it exists in a frozen state and if punctured goes from ice to gas just like dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) used to do when we hauled the flounder filets from MD. No one has figured out how to collect it safely at this point because the rate of change from solid to gas is uncontrollable. If BP has poked a hole into one of those deposits that will be why the vent can't be plugged and they don't want to let anyone know that we are about to be slow grilled on our own planet.  Type in "methane hydrate" in Google and read about it. My professor friend (Dr. Jeff C======) at FSU has been studying this for years.

-----Original Message----- 
From:<Removed> (Loretta's sister-in-law, mother of the Env. Eng.)
Sent: Jun 26, 2010 1:35 AM 
Subject: Does this make sense? Loretta got it from a friend. 

Key West and all Gulf Coast is warned ... Not Miami -

Just got this from Larry Taylor, From_the_Edge Alerts..

God help us!


Subject: Steve Quayle News Alerts
Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 10:45 PM

Extreme Alert-Move Your Families Now!

June 25, 2010
Steve Quayle

Inside sources have informed me that Full scale Gulf Coast evacuations are expected to begin in next couple of weeks--With Methane now surfacing and Bubbling in Florida waters the potential for a Methane Explosion of unimaginable devastation now comes into focus Further Law Enforcement Sources are being Advised of "ESCALATING VENT DETERIORATION" Two Definitions were provided to me--First "VENT" DEFINITION-"The opening in a volcano from which gas and molten rock erupt" and "ESCALATES"- DEFINITION GIVEN-"To expand step by step as from a limited or local conflict into a General NUCLEAR WAR"--to become unmanageable--You don't need a rocket science degree to read between the lines. Ten Years ago after the Papua New Guinea Earthquake in which "Burnt to a Crisp" bodies were pulled from the Fiery Seas-Stan Deyo and I did multiple Radio programs together over the years, warning of the Methane Hydrate Problems off our Coasts that could turn into "Seas Of Fire". Now maybe you can understand our warnings in perspective!. With massive numbers of Military assets being moved south it is being stated, that Martial Law initially will be on a regional Basis,. You will have no choice-- as you will be moved against your will, to places you really don't want to be moved to. Have you wondered what will become of everyones "stuff" thats left behind in abandoned homes and offices--THEY HAVE!--"To the Victors (THE NWO CROWD) go the spoils"! I encourage everyone to prayerfully consider all the above information and use your GOD GIVEN FREE WILL TO MOVE. There will be a complete shutdown of all commerce and Industry in the Areas affected by the Forced Evacuations. Don't assume your credit cards will work at this time, as a "Cyberattack" is to be Launched against the "US FINANCIAL" System concurrent with the mass evacuations that will deny access to funds--Have Cash on Hand to get you where you need to go. LIFE AS WE HAVE KNOWN IS ABOUT TO TAKE AN APOCALYPTIC CHANGE--FOR THE WORST. Now's a great time to get right with JESUS-as he told us this stuff was going to happen in Matthew 24,Luke 21 and in the Book of Revelation--May the GOD OF HEAVEN Guide and Direct those who "CALL OUT TO HIM IN REPENTANCE AND FAITH". Emergency preparations in dealing with the expanding oil menace are now being made for cities and towns from Corpus Christi, Texas, to Houston, New Orleans, Gulfport, Mobile, Pensacola, Tampa-St.Petersburg-Clearwater, Sarasota-Bradenton, Naples, and Key West. Some 36 FEMA-funded contracts between cities, towns, and counties and emergency workers are due to be invoked within days, if not hours, according to WMR's FEMA sources. (Wayne Madsen Reports)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, probably our entry may be off topic but anyways, I have been surfing around your blog and it looks very professional.
    PhD Environmental


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